Physical Education


St Adrian’s has been awarded a prestigious Gold Award Rating by School Games for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024. We are very proud of all the sports activities made available to the children in school.

At St Adrian’s we will strive to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities;
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time;
  • engage in competitive sports and activities;
  • lead healthy, active lives.

Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities, build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. 

Whilst the National Curriculum, in its entirety, will provide the framework around which the Physical Education Curriculum at St Adrian’s will be structured, it is our intent to offer a curriculum that makes provision for:

  • allow each child to aspire to their potential as physically literate individuals with the movement foundation for lifelong participation and enjoyment in physical activity;
  • providing opportunities to develop the attributes of motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding in PE;
  • respecting themselves and others;
  • regularly employing the skills of running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination;
  • engagement and relevance to the pupils;
  • opportunities for children to hone the generic skills of collaboration, independence, research, and reflection;
  • play competitive games to encourage fair play, the ability to approach winning and losing with dignity; and (when representing their house or school) a sense of shared identity and team spirit;
  • opportunities for outdoor adventure and swimming;
  • encouraging pupils to be active outside of PE lessons both in and beyond the school day;
  • developing metacognitive skills in planning, monitoring and evaluation with respect to physical activity;
  • providing the knowledge and understanding to make healthy lifestyle choices;
  • promoting well-being through physical activity  as well as by :engaging with others; instilling lifelong-learning;  developing in pupils a greater awareness of their surroundings; and opportunities to do good for others.

Key documents

National curriculum for Physical Education

Topics at a glance

NurseryFun Movement

Send and Receive

Ball Skills


Simple Cricket


ReceptionBody Manage-
GymnasticsDancemovementFun GamesTeamwork
Year 1Movement Dance – All about meDodgeballRoundersSwimmingSwimming
Year 1Basketball Movement FootballDance – Space CricketAthletics
Year 2SwimmingSwimmingSwimmingSwimmingDance – CountryAthletics
Year 2Gym skills – RopesSend & receive – net gameFootballBasketballHockeyStriking fielding
Year 3SwimmingSwimmingSwimmingSwimmingDance – Sand danceAthletics
Year 3TennisBaketballVolleyballGymnasticsHockeyCricket
Year 4SwimmingSwimmingSwimmingSwimmingDance – MaypoleAthletics
Year 4BasketballGymnasticsFootballVolleyballRoundersTennis
Year 5NetballGaelic FootballGymnasticsOrienteeringSwimmingSwimming
Year 5DodgeballGymnasticsHockeyDanish Longball Kwik CricketAthletics
Year 6TennisFootballCircuit trainingDanceOutdoor activitiesRounders/
Fun Games
Year 6NetballGymnasticsHockeyBasketballCricketAthletics

Nursery – Do not cross, crime scene

This week in nursery we talked about People who help us. We explored different occupations like fire fighter, police man, doctor, nurse. After a short discussion the children voted and now they have lots of fun in our new role play area – Police station.

They looked for clues in and outside using magnifier glasses and wearing special clothes and helmets.

We also talked about a special number 999.

Inside the Police station the children were busy answering the phone, filling report forms, making their own badges.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Solakova

Year 5 Parents’ Meeting Summary

It was lovely to see you this morning and I hope those of you who came to the meeting found it useful. I appreciate that some parents were unable to attend to due to work commitments etc. To this end, I am placing a copy of the powerpoint presentation below which should have all the information.

Sadly, we live in a digital age and protecting ourselves from all manner of danger posed by the internet and social media is of high importance and this is especially true of our children who are most at risk and vulnerable. The last few slides provide some pretty stark warnings and dangers associated with Instagram, Whatsapp, Snapchat and TikTok (formerly

Many of your children may have these apps on mobile phones ( or have friends with access to them on their phones). I urge you to use the slides to enable you and your children to make informed choices regarding these apps.

Mr King has also sent out information regarding e-safety.

We will be teaching your children about being safe on line through the year and intend to be hosting a workshop/ information evening for parents on this this subject . You will be sent details of this when they are available.

Kind regards,

Kevin Creaton

Welcome to Year 2

The children have made a very happy start to Year 2 and we are all having a wonderful time as we get to know each other and start our new topics.

It was lovely to see so many Year 2 parents on Monday 9th September. Notes from the meeting can be found below:

Date for your diary: KS1 Christmas play on 12th December at 7pm

New to Year Two

I have enjoyed receiving all of your child’s postcards this week and I am looking forward to welcoming the Year Two children into their new classroom on Wednesday. If your child has completed the reading challenge over the holiday, please send in their certificate so that their achievement can be celebrated in class.

Can you spot your postcard?

Gentle reminder

Children should bring in a coat, full drinks bottle and school book bag with them every day.

Please ensure that all PE kit and school uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name so that mislaid items can be returned easily.

Space Chase: Summer Reading Challenge 2019

The Summer Reading Challenge 2019 theme is Space Chase, an out-of-this-world adventure inspired by the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing.

Children taking part in the Challenge will join our super space family, The Rockets, for a thrilling mission to track down books nabbed by mischievous aliens!

Space Chase will feature bespoke artwork from top children’s illustrator, Adam Stower, and will celebrate adventure, exploration, reading and fun!

Illustrations © Adam Stower 2019 for The Reading Agency

Taking part in the Summer Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading Challenge is aimed at children aged four to eleven and it is run in almost all libraries in the UK.

Visit your local library during the summer holidays to sign up – the sooner you go, the longer your child will have to read six books!

Staff will register your child for the Challenge and give them some fun materials to get them started.

Many libraries will also offer pre-school activities suitable for under-fours, including specially designed Summer Reading Challenge materials. Visit your local branch to find out more.

The Summer Reading Challenge is the UK’s biggest free reading for pleasure event for children. It is run by the national charity The Reading Agency in partnership with the UK public library network.

The aim of the Challenge is to encourage children to read any six books of their choice from their library during the summer holidays.

Children receive special rewards each time they finish a book and there’s a certificate for everyone who completes the Challenge.

Year 4 @ Kew Gardens

The sun shone for us this week when we visited the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew. Sophie takes up the story…

On Tuesday the 21st  May, Year 4 went on their school trip to Kew Gardens. Year 4 had a fantastic time even though we didn’t see all of Kew.

Year 4 were delighted when we got tickets to go to the children garden.

When we got to Kew, half of the children went to the Palm house and the other half went to the Temperate house. The Palm house was very hot and steamy while the Temperate house was a much more relaxed temperature.

A while later, we all met near King William’s Temple. The children were exhausted and hungry but were determined to go to the Treetop walk.

The children kept screaming because the bridge they were walking on was very wobbly! Apart from that they loved the treetop views.

After the Treetop walk, we had lunch. The children cheered with relief.

After lunch, we went to the new children’s garden. The children were so unhappy when we had to go. They still had a lovely time.

Thank you for all the parents who helped.

Thanks, Sophie, and I would echo your thanks to Mrs Miller and Mrs Watson for their help throughout the day. Here are some more of our photos.

Year 6 Isle of Wight Wednesday

Tuesday Evening

Just as some meals look really delicious but taste bland, the sea looked l as calm and inviting as a tropical lagoon but was freezing!  However, our children are made of stern stuff and were determined to not let the opportunity pass.

Wednesday Morning

Not a boy was awake at 7am when they received the early morning call and there was a similar story with the girls. Breakfast soon put things right and we headed off for Black Gang Chine.

When we arrived, some of the children spied the silhouette of the Cliffhanger (roller coaster) and felt that the  occasion was ripe for some bravado:  ( (loud voices) “Is that it?”   and :“I’ve been on much more scary rides on my (all-inclusive) holiday last year”  – the boys in the party  had suddenly developed a  swaggering gait. However, the children were soon to learn  that talk is cheap and once on board: the squealing began;  their voices went from baritone to falsetto;the swagger replaced with a wobble. It was a similar story at the water slide- “Plughole”.

There was much for the children to do and it was great seeing them enjoy the simpler pleasures of mazes, adventure parks and slides – some of us even forsook extra time in the gift shop for a visit to fairyland.

We’ve worn them out again but, just in case there are any children out there planning to keep the adults and others awake tonight, its off to the beach again after supper.

We’ve been sharing stories!

We’ve been celebrating World Book Day this week with special assemblies where teachers have taken it in turns to share favourite stories or poems with the children in their key stage.

We hope that the stories we share will inspire the children to read on and read the books for themselves or find other stories by those authors.

We will list the books we have share on this page.


  • Mr Hayes (whole school):
    • Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, from Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl
  • Mrs Hayes (key stage one):
    • Mrs Wobble the Waitress by Allan Ahlberg
    • All Join In by Quentin Blake
  • Mr Hayes (key stage two):
    • The Rise of Wolves by Kerr Thomson


  • Mrs Teixeira (key stage one)
    • Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen
    • Please Mrs Butler by Allan Ahlberg
  • Miss Costello (key stage two)
    • Little House in the Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder


  • Mrs Ruffell (key stage one)
    • The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson
  • Mr Sallis (key stage two)
    • ‘Infinity and Me’ written by Kate Hosford and illustrated by Gabi Swiatkowska
How would you describe infinity to Uma?

Year 2 worship with Father Francis

The children have enjoyed a wonderful liturgy with Father Francis on the theme of Thanksgiving. As part of the worship, the children all had a role to play and each group planned a different part of the service, including making up their own verses to familiar hymns, writing the prayers and reading from our new class bible.

Father Francis spoke warmly with the children and during his homily, he talked in detail about the importance of the Eucharist as a way of giving thanks in the mass. At the end of the liturgy, the children were congratulated on their singing, which is such an integral part of their everyday prayer life in Year 2. The service ended with Father Francis blessing our food (brioche from France!) and four new bibles which were then delivered to year groups across the school.

Well done to everyone for the very thoughtfully decorated crosses that have come in as part of our class RE home learning. The crosses are all so unique, they look wonderful on the display and reflect the children’s understanding of The Last Supper and the celebration of mass. If your child has not brought in their cross yet, please bring it in by Friday.

Reading Logs – Wcb First Grade with Children Reading Clip Art – Free Design Templates

I have been asked if there are any books that are recommended for Year 2 children to read. Ideas can be found here: and it is also a wonderful idea to visit your local library which is filled with hundreds of age appropriate books for free!