Wonderful end to Year 3!

This week in Design and Technology, we enhanced our cooking skills by making delicious savoury tarts with seasonal vegetables. We carefully diced and chopped the vegetables, showcasing our cooking skills.

In PE, we concluded our final lesson by enjoying a variety of ball games.

What a wonderful end to another amazing school year! Thank you for your ongoing support and generous gifts. Have a fantastic summer!

Nursery – 19.07.2024

On Wednesday we had a lovely time at our picnic and I think the teddy bears had a great time too! It was really nice to be outside eating our lunch in the sunshine.

And just like that this is the last blog…..

I cannot believe the year has finished and the children will be starting in Reception in September, it feels like only yesterday I opened the door for the first time way back in Autumn term. The children have learnt so much in their nursery year and it has been lovely to see how they’ve grown and changed – this morning we had a look at some photos I took from when they first started.

They really have been superstars this year and worked so hard!

Thank you so much for the generous gifts Miss Rowson and I have received.

I hope you all have a lovely and relaxing summer holiday. The children are ready for a big rest ready for Reception which will start for them on Wednesday 4th September.

Miss Taylor

Year 2 celebrate their learning

This year, learning has been great fun in Year Two and the displays in our classroom reflect all the wonderful activities we have joined in with. Here is a slide presentation to celebrate our amazing learning that shows just how ready we are for Year Three!

Enrichment activities

The children of St Adrian’s are offered a wide range of extra curricular activities and this week they have been able to celebrate their achievements in a many different avenues. Here are some photos that prove it!

Reception – Transition week!


Dear children and parents,
We have had a very interesting week with new children settling in, a morning with Mrs Thompson and planning an End of Reception party!

In Maths and Little Wandle we are revisiting tricky learning like bonds to 10, odd and even numbers, reading longer words like portrait and sight reading words like when, what and why. That gives us extra time for games and spending quality time with each other in the last weeks of Reception… Where did the time go? We played parachute games on the field, baked muffins and enjoyed the sunshine. Have a look:

Thursday morning was such a success and Mrs Thompson was absolutely impressed with all children and their exceptional behaviour and knowledge. The children spent the time in year 1 classroom painting, listening to a story and playing outside!

As you probably already know, on Friday next week, we are going to have an End of Reception party! All children are very excited and looking forward to it. We have decided to make a party food list and everyone brings something different. Please make sure you check your child’s reading record for further information 🙂

And finally… we are all very excited about the Euro final on Sunday! We made flags to support England! We all hope that they are going to win!!!

Dates to remember:
Friday 19th July – Reading morning
Friday 19th July – Last day of term. School finishes at 1:30pm.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Solakova

All through the year, the Year 2 children have shown that they are avid readers. They have thoroughly enjoyed choosing books from our library, learned poems to recite to the class and devoured non fiction books linked to popular topics such as The Great Fire of London, lifecycles and favourite artists.

Over the holiday, the children will not be bringing home books from school, so this is an ideal chance to visit your local library and join their library challenge. The children will find a huge selection of books to choose from and earn stickers, a certificate and even a medal as a reward for their holiday reading. You will find out more here: https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/services/libraries-and-archives/news-and-campaigns/summer-reading-challenge.aspx

Year Six Superstars!

What a week it has been for Year Six!

On Wednesday, our hard work together paid off when we shared our performance of Craig Hawes’ ‘Porridge’ with our friends in school and with our families . The children did themselves proud and it was a joy to watch their performances, their singing and their dancing. Here are some photos of the cast.

After visiting our new secondary schools on Thursday, we were back on Friday to get our end of year reports and SAT results. We are very proud of all of the children – their hard work and progress has been amazing!

It is hard to believe that we are heading in to the final week of the summer term and the final week of primary school too. There is still lots to look forward too and we hope that our parents will join us for the leavers’ mass on Wednesday and our graduation assembly next Friday.

Have a fantastic week-end!

Summer Reading Challenge

In our assembly this morning, our visitors told us all about the Hertfordshire Libraries’ Summer Reading Challenge.

Over the school holidays, the children will not be bringing books home from school, so this is an ideal chance to visit your local library and join the library challenge.

You can register for the challenge in your local library and all you have to do is read six books across the holidays. The children will find a huge selection of books to choose from and earn stickers, a certificate, a medal and a special pencil as a reward for their holiday reading. You will find out more here.

Joining the library is free and children are able to borrow up to 30 items! This is a great way to try out different authors and different types of books.

We hope that as many of you as possible join in and we look forward to hearing all about your reading adventures when you return to school in September!

Nursery – 12.07.2024

On Thursday morning Nursery went next door to spend time with their new teacher in their new classroom! The children decorated a box which has a special message inside! The children said they had a great time playing in their new room and exploring the new resources.

Earlier in the week we had a go at drawing a minion! We watched and copied the drawing on the screen!

In RE this week we thought about how we could look after the world we live in. We talked about recycling, not leaving taps running and reusing plastic as much as we can. We went around the school on a litter pick and we found a lot of straw wrappers, paper, tissues, bottle tops, a magnifying glass, pens, pencils and lots of food wrappers. Well done Nursery.

On Wednesday we went to the library for the last time as Nursery. Next Wednesday the library books will be collected back in.

Important Dates

Wednesday 17th – Teddy Bears Picnic. Please bring in your favourite teddy to school. We will eat lunch out on the field if the weather is dry, if not we will have a classroom picnic with our teddies.

Friday 19th – Reading Morning (Slightly shorter due to Year 6 Leavers Assembly).

Friday 19th – Last day of term – school finishes 11:45/13:30.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Reception – Sports Day!


Hello children and parents,

Without any doubt this weeks’ favourite was EYFS Sports day! All children showed excellent sportsmanship, playing fairly and respecting each other. The carousel activities went well, but the races were definitely everyone’s best part of the day!

Thank you to all grown ups too, for taking part in the races. It was wonderful seeing your little ones so excited watching you compete 🙂

Well done children. You all deserved your medals and certificates!!!

Dates to remember:
Thursday 13th July – Transition morning (all children will spend the morning with Mrs Thompson in year 1 classroom)
Friday 14th July – Reading morning

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Solakova