Reception – Children’s Mental Health week!


Hello children, parents and carers
It’s been a lovely week of thinking about feelings, emotions, mental health and wellbeing. We played games and enjoyed our time together, we learnt how to help each other by sharing our emotions and express ourselves. We read a wonderful book called ‘Ruby’s worry’. We all learnt from Ruby. She’s a perfectly happy little girl, until she discovers a worry. The worry – depicted as a scribbly yellow shape – is hardly noticeable at first, but starts to grow and soon it’s with her all the time, stopping her from doing the things she loved.

We also did wonderful writing thinking about our likes and dislikes. Here are some of the examples for you to enjoy 🙂

On the making table the children created lovely human faces with lots of emotions. They did great job describing how they feel and why they feel that way 🙂

In Little Wandle we started reading very, very long words like picnic and magnet, and even longer ones like bedroom and carpark. We’ve been revisiting phase 2 and phase 3 digraphs and some of the tricky words. In your blue books this week you will find your first longer words. Please practice them at home for building confidence and fluency. In class, when we read the longer words, we use the term ‘chunk’. For example the word bedroom can be chunked into two smaller words ‘bed’ and ‘room’. That really helps the children hear all the sounds in those very challenging phase 4 words.

In Maths the children developed the skill of perceptual subitising. This form of subitising refers to instantly recognising the number of objects in a group without needing to count them. The concept of subitising zero and up to five items was introduced in small steps. We did dot plates and used them in our PE lesson to do jumps, hops, star jumps and much more:

What a crazy ‘Crazy hair day’ it has been! The children had amazing hairstyles, fun and very creative!

And finally but not least, congratulations for all your hard work and motivation! You truly deserve the awards, red sash and golden rosette!!!

Have a lovely weekend.
Looking forward seeing you all on Monday.
Mrs Solakova

Week of 3rd February in year 4

There were some quiet sessions in year 4 this week, with the choir members at Young Voices. We had lots of fun outside on a bright Wednesday afternoon, with just about half the class playing netball. The passing was fast and accurate!

The children played a dice game to practise their times tables, as the choir children arrived on Thursday morning.

children are really enjoying our current book “Cinnamon”. During the hot-seating on Thursday, they thought of excellent questions such as “How did you feel when the tiger ate your aunty?” and “Before you felt the emotions with the tiger, had you experienced them before?” and “Why did you go into the jungle?”. The question “Why didn’t you talk?” was answered with, “Because I didn’t have anything to talk about”, which was a thoughtful answer considering the context of the book.

As part of understanding the Eucharist, the children “interviewed” Mrs Gallaher about how going to mass helps her. The children were keen to understand what part of mass she enjoyed most and Mrs Gallaher talked about how she liked to try and apply something from the homily into her daily routine the next week.

The children looked great with crazy hair today!

Year 2 in Solidarity

This half term, our Catholic Social Teaching theme focuses on Solidarity and Peace. The children reflected on their inspiring ‘Give Racism the Red Card’ posters to show how they understand that God’s world is for everyone and all people should have equal access to everything.

We also thought about how we can act as peacemakers in our everyday friendships in the classroom or outside. We wrote our peacemaker promises onto doves of peace and decorated them to make a great display.

Nursery – 07.02.2025

In RHE this week we talked about Jesus and the things that he did to help others. We learnt about how he washed the feet of his disciples. We role played this.

Photos this week

Important Dates

Friday 14th February – Reading morning 08.45 – 09.00.

Monday 17th February – Friday 21st – Half term

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Reception – Pets as Therapy


Welcome to our blog! We hope you’ve had a fun week like us. We’ve enjoyed lots of activities, but the best part was the Pets as Therapy Day on Friday. All children came to school dressed in all sort of animals, from little creatures to scary tigers… and they all looked amazing!

Lexa and Polka even visited our classroom and the children made them feel very welcomed. They gave them lots of cuddles and read their favourite stories to them.
Have a look yourself!

Well done for taking part in our Pets as Therapy art competition and congratulations to the winners! Your posters look amazing!

In Little Wandle we’ve learnt the last digraph and trigraph from phase 3 sounds and from now until Summer term we will concentrate on reading longer words like puppet, bigger, hammer using all phase 2 and phase 3 sounds.

We were also busy learning 3 new tricky words: are, sure and pure. The last two proved to be extra tricky, so please make sure you practice them at home too!

In Maths we talked about 4 side shapes and practiced describing the properties of the squares and rectangle. The children learnt that the square has 4 equal sides and the rectangle 2 short and 2 long sides! We went on a hunt around the school and looked for 4 side shapes in the environment. We were lucky to spot lots of square windows, rectangle benches and much more:

In RE we talked about how Jesus wants all children to be his friends and when his disciples tried to push the little children away Jesus said: “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them,” Jesus said. “The kingdom of heaven belongs to these little ones.” 

And finally but not least, congratulations for all your hard work and motivation! You truly deserve the awards, red sash and golden rosette!!!

Have a lovely weekend.
Looking forward seeing you all on Monday.
Mrs Solakova

Year 2 get sewing!

As part of their learning in Design and Technology, the Year Two children have been working really hard, developing their sewing skills. They have learned how to thread a needle and also join two pieces of material together as they created their own piece of bunting. Each triangle has its own letter and the children have decorated their bunting very imaginatively with sequins. Can you spot the missing word in our message?

Year 2 love animals

This week the children have had great fun supporting the charity Pets as Therapy by dressing up in animal themed outfits and creating some amazing artwork. They produced some wonderfully unique pieces using a range of media. The imaginative Year 2s are all very proud of themselves!

Amazing Animal Creations in Year 4!

This is what the original, artistic children in year 4 have created! Well done to each one of these fantastic creations.

Today, the children came as animals. Here is the marvellous year 4 menagerie.

Our recent RE topic was Community. Here is the display about St Barts the children made.

The children have been enjoying learning about the Romans very much, including Julius Caesar. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 explore Everyday Materials

Year 2 have been enjoying exploring materials out and about. In particular, they have been finding out about the properties of a variety of materials and thinking about the suitability of different materials. They have been learning to use lots of new words such as transparent/opaque, absorbent/waterproof as well as flexible/rigid. They are great scientists!

The children have also enjoyed thinking about what it would be like if an unsuitable material was used for a particular object. Inspired by the poem, Woolly Saucepan by Michael Rosen, they created their own unsuitable matches! Here is just one of the poems created this week.

Chocolate Door by Mahdi, Rosanne and Rosie

Could I have a chocolate door

a metal biscuit, a fabric window

and a brick hammer, please?

Er, sorry, I mean a plastic mug

a cardboard table, a wooden blanket

and a glass hat, please?

Er, sorry, I mean … oh no!

You know what I mean, don’t you?

Nursery – 31.01.2025

This week in maths we looked at the number 4, we learnt about Pete and his groovy coat which can only have 4 buttons on. We found number 4 on our number fans and had a go at putting 4 cubes on a fives frame. We also looked at squares and rectangles and made these shapes using lolly sticks.

We did some yoga this week…

Important Dates

Friday 7th February – Reading Morning 8:45 – 9:00

Friday 7th February – Crazy Hair Day – Come to school with crazy hair to raise money for the PTA – £2 per child. Please wear full school uniform.

Monday 17th – Friday 21st February – Half Term

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor