Reception – Wear read!


Hello children, parents and carers,
It’s Friday again and I can’t wait to share with you what we’ve been busy with in the last 5 days.
In Little Wandle we’ve learnt four new graphemes:

Next week we will focus on finding out what the children learnt so far revisiting all the phonemes and digraphs for Autumn 1.
I also added a new tricky word ‘the’ . Please practice the tricky words at home too, as we all know they can be very ‘tricky’ to remember :).

In Maths we explored, copied and then created simple patterns. The children had plenty of opportunities to spot patterns all around… on the playground, in the books and while singing nursery rhymes. Everyone’s favourite was creating action patterns like jump, spin, jump, spin or clap, bend, clap, bend.

We are very much looking forward to have our first Reception class performance next week and are very excited to rehearse our song.
Please remember that the Harvest assembly is taking place next Friday at 9am. Looking forward seeing you all there. All donations are welcomed, please check the list for what’s needed! Thank you for your generosity!

On Friday we had a big discussions about all of us being different and unique! We sad NO to racism and celebrated the day wearing red.

We also created beautiful posters and did an amazing job writing the word RED. Can’t be happier to see this wonderful letter formation after only a couple of weeks.

And finally but not least, congratulations for all your hard work and motivation! You truly deserve the awards, red sash and golden rosette!!!

Dates to remember:
Friday 25th October – Harvest assembly
Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November – Half term week

Have a lovely weekend and looking forward seeing you all next week!
Mrs Solakova

October is the month of the Rosary

This week, two Caritas Ambassadors visited the Year 2 classroom to teach the children about the rosary and how it can be used for prayer. The children reflected on their use of a rosary and the Year 6 children helped them to pray a decade of the rosary.

Parents and carers are warmly invited to our Harvest assembly next week at 9am on 25th October, when we will be performing our harvest song. We would be very grateful for donations to our collection of items for the Feed food bank in St Albans which can be brought in at any time over the next week. Details of items that Feed would love to receive can be found below:

Year 3

Today, our school proudly wore red to stand united against racism, demonstrating our commitment to equality and inclusion. We were inspired by the ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ campaign, joining together to say a collective “no” to racism in all its forms.

Harvest Donations

We are still accepting harvest donations and kindly ask that all contributions must be brought to the school by Friday, 25th October. Please see the image below for a list of suggested donation items.

!8th October 2024

Today we wore red and donated £1 to show support and raise awareness for anti-bullying week.

We have also been looking out for signs that the seasons are changing around the school.

Nursery – 18.10.24

This week we started our new book Owl Babies which some of the children already know. We talked about the characters, the setting and what happens in the book. The children are beginning to join in with the repeated refrain ‘I want my mummy’. We will continue to look at this book over the next few weeks.

We also watched a video version of the story:

Our small word tray now has the Owl Babies in so the children can act out the story with their friends.

In RE this week we looked at our family photos and told our friends who is in our family which the children enjoyed, the photos are now displayed in the quiet room for the children to look at and talk about.

On Wednesday morning we went out on an Autumn walk to see what we could find outside, the children had a clipboard and had to tick off what they could see. We saw pine cones, a pumpkin, berries, twigs, lots and lots of leaves but no squirrel. Keep a look out for one in your garden.

Other photos this week

Today we wore red to support ‘Show Racism the red card’ and made a red flag.


We are a nut free school and have children across the schools with allergies – please check lunch box items before sending them in to school.

Harvest Festival

Donations welcome, please send in by Friday 25th October.

Nursery will be going to the assembly next Friday at 9:00. We will be singing a song with reception.

Reception Applications

You will need to apply for a reception place at St.Adrians. Application opens Friday 1st November and closes on the 15th January. You will also need to complete a supplementary form. I have got some of these in Nursery – please ask if you would like one.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Pressing matters in Year Six

This week, we have enjoyed printing from the plates we made last week. Our artwork has been inspired by natural themes we have seen in the work of Peter Clayton. We have experimented with printing onto different colour papers and our own painted backgrounds.

Our Caritas Ambassadors are growing into their roles with the children, this week, leading our classes in praying the Rosary.

We look forward to next week, when our ambassadors will be helping us to celebrate in our Harvest assembly and our whole class will work together to perform our harvest song. We would be grateful for donations to our collection of items for the Feed food bank in St Albans which can be brought in at anytime over the next week.

Reception – Busy Week!


Hello children and parents,
This week in Reception was a full on one, with parents consultations, planting spring bulbs, learning 4 new sounds and our first digraph, talking about measure, mass and capacity and of course lots of play and fun games with friends 🙂

In Little Wandle this week we’ve learnt 3 new graphemes and a digraph. The children are getting better and better at remembering the terminology and they already know that a digraph means 2 letters, but one sound!

We also learnt a new tricky word, which you will find in your child’s blue book:

Thank you all so much for all the hard work you are doing with the children at home – We saw some fantastic learning outside of school!

In Maths we were comparing size, mass and capacity. We used lots of mathematical language and learnt how to describe and recognise differences.
Which string is longer? Which string is shorter?

Which object is heavier? How do you know?
Which object is lighter? How do you know?

Would the tall giraffe fit inside the box? Does this container hold more or less? How can you find out?

In RE we had a moment of quiet reflection and talked about what we’ve learnt so far. We all had a turn thinking about what makes us precious. Well, I think the children had great ideas and responded really well showing me how well they have been listening in the last couple of weeks. Here are some of the quotes. Enjoy 🙂

I am precious because I am kind!
I am precious because God loves me!
I am precious because of my family!

It was lovely seeing you all during parents consultations. As always I would like to say thank you for your support and kind words. Here is a copy of our Autumn term home learning grid.
You are welcome to bring any home learning to school or if you prefer you can upload it on Tapestry!

And finally congratulations for all your hard work and motivation! You truly deserve the awards, red sash and golden rosette!!!

Have a lovely weekend and looking forward seeing you all next week!
Mrs Solakova

Out and about with Year Two

We all love to spend time outside and there are lots of things to do in the playground to boost our wellbeing. Here are some of the ways that we have fun out and about during lesson times and at playtimes!

Picture this..

The children used acrylic paints to create self-portraits using the photos you sent in. I love the way each one is unique, and looks like the painter, even though many of the features are identical.

The children continue to love investigating electrical circuits and very much enjoyed exploring insulators and conductors. There were some “eureka” moments which was great to see.

In learning about how Samuel and David were called to serve God, we did a “hot-seating” activity, with “David” being questioned about how he felt when he was anointed and realise he had been chosen by God.

They have also continued to deepen their understanding about Greek society and made these informative and attractive posters containing what they have learnt. They will see some real artefacts and find out more on our trip on 15th November to the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge which I am very excited about. (I would’ve liked to have gone sooner but the afternoon clay session wasn’t available before then and I wanted to make the trip a full day to justify the cost of the coach.)

Sadly we didn’t have ukelele this week as Mrs Newman needed to run her child’s ukelele assembly! But the good news is that there will be two sessions next week.

It has been lovely to touch base with you all about your children’s progress. I hope that you are as proud of them as I are. They’ve already come a long way in year four and I know that they will continue to shine and excel.

Nursery – 11.10.24

This week in maths we looked at matching. Matching buttons, matching shoes and matching towers. On Wednesday morning we were given a welly boot and had to look in the playground for the one that matched!

Other photos this week

Family Photos

Thank you for sending in family photos, the children love looking at them. Next week in RE the children will be talking about who is in their family so please send a photo in if you haven’t done so already.

Library Books

The children were excited to take home a library book this week. Please read the book at least once a week. Books need to be returned every Tuesday in order for a new one to be taken out.

Important Dates

Harvest Assembly – Friday 25th October – Nursery will be singing a song.

Half Term – Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November.

Individual/Sibling photos – Thursday 14th November

Children in Need Day – Friday 15th November

EYFS Nativity Performance – Wednesday 11th December – 10:00AM.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor