Year 5 Parents’ Meeting Summary

It was lovely to see you this morning and I hope those of you who came to the meeting found it useful. I appreciate that some parents were unable to attend to due to work commitments etc. To this end, I am placing a copy of the powerpoint presentation below which should have all the information.

Sadly, we live in a digital age and protecting ourselves from all manner of danger posed by the internet and social media is of high importance and this is especially true of our children who are most at risk and vulnerable. The last few slides provide some pretty stark warnings and dangers associated with Instagram, Whatsapp, Snapchat and TikTok (formerly

Many of your children may have these apps on mobile phones ( or have friends with access to them on their phones). I urge you to use the slides to enable you and your children to make informed choices regarding these apps.

Mr King has also sent out information regarding e-safety.

We will be teaching your children about being safe on line through the year and intend to be hosting a workshop/ information evening for parents on this this subject . You will be sent details of this when they are available.

Kind regards,

Kevin Creaton