Nursery – 19.07.2024

On Wednesday we had a lovely time at our picnic and I think the teddy bears had a great time too! It was really nice to be outside eating our lunch in the sunshine.

And just like that this is the last blog…..

I cannot believe the year has finished and the children will be starting in Reception in September, it feels like only yesterday I opened the door for the first time way back in Autumn term. The children have learnt so much in their nursery year and it has been lovely to see how they’ve grown and changed – this morning we had a look at some photos I took from when they first started.

They really have been superstars this year and worked so hard!

Thank you so much for the generous gifts Miss Rowson and I have received.

I hope you all have a lovely and relaxing summer holiday. The children are ready for a big rest ready for Reception which will start for them on Wednesday 4th September.

Miss Taylor

Summer Reading Challenge

In our assembly this morning, our visitors told us all about the Hertfordshire Libraries’ Summer Reading Challenge.

Over the school holidays, the children will not be bringing books home from school, so this is an ideal chance to visit your local library and join the library challenge.

You can register for the challenge in your local library and all you have to do is read six books across the holidays. The children will find a huge selection of books to choose from and earn stickers, a certificate, a medal and a special pencil as a reward for their holiday reading. You will find out more here.

Joining the library is free and children are able to borrow up to 30 items! This is a great way to try out different authors and different types of books.

We hope that as many of you as possible join in and we look forward to hearing all about your reading adventures when you return to school in September!

Nursery – 12.07.2024

On Thursday morning Nursery went next door to spend time with their new teacher in their new classroom! The children decorated a box which has a special message inside! The children said they had a great time playing in their new room and exploring the new resources.

Earlier in the week we had a go at drawing a minion! We watched and copied the drawing on the screen!

In RE this week we thought about how we could look after the world we live in. We talked about recycling, not leaving taps running and reusing plastic as much as we can. We went around the school on a litter pick and we found a lot of straw wrappers, paper, tissues, bottle tops, a magnifying glass, pens, pencils and lots of food wrappers. Well done Nursery.

On Wednesday we went to the library for the last time as Nursery. Next Wednesday the library books will be collected back in.

Important Dates

Wednesday 17th – Teddy Bears Picnic. Please bring in your favourite teddy to school. We will eat lunch out on the field if the weather is dry, if not we will have a classroom picnic with our teddies.

Friday 19th – Reading Morning (Slightly shorter due to Year 6 Leavers Assembly).

Friday 19th – Last day of term – school finishes 11:45/13:30.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 05.07.2024

This week the children took part in Sports day and it was brilliant, the children were fantastic in the team games around the field and running on the track! Well done everyone!

Important Dates

Thursday 11th – Transition Morning. The nursery children will spend the morning in their new classroom with Mrs Solakova.

Friday 12th – Reading Morning

Wednesday 17th – Teddy Bears Picnic. Bring your favourite teddy to school. We will have a picnic out on the field.

Friday 19th – Last day of term – school finishes 11:45/13:30.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 28.06.2024

This week in maths we explored ‘what comes next’. We helped bunny work out what number comes next by using a dice and a number track. On Tuesday we played a game of missing number – the children had to work out which number was missing and find the missing number on their number fan. On Thursday we were given a number and had to work out which number came next to make a number line.

In RE this week we talked and thought about God’s Wonderful world. We remembered our RHE learning from autumn term and talked about the things God made during the 7 days of Creation. We listened to Louis Armstrong’s very lovely song ‘What a wonderful world’.

Important Dates

Tuesday 2nd July – EYFS Sports Day – 10:00AM. Please enter school via the KS2 gate. Nursery children will need to wear white polo shirt, blue/black shorts or leggings and trainers. Children will need to wear their school cap.

Friday 5th July – Reading Morning


Children need a blue school hat.

Water bottles need to have fresh water every day.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 21.06.2024

Our new role play opened this week – Seaside. The children can play in the sand, buy and sell items in the shop and enjoy ice creams.

In maths this week looked at composition of numbers 3 and 4. We made these numbers in different ways using a variety of resources always recognising that the total was the same.

In RE this we looked at the religion Sikhism. We had a look at some special objects as well as a Sikhism flag.

Other photos this week

Important Dates

Wednesday 26h June – Open Evening 16:00 – 17:30

Wednesday 26th June – 18:00 – 19:00 New reception parents information evening. Mrs Solakova will be talking about all the wonderful things the children will be doing in reception including phonics, how lunches work and the uniform the children will need to wear.

Friday 28th June – Reading Morning 08:45 – 09:00am

Tuesday 2nd July – EYFS Sports Day 10:00am – Please enter school via KS2 gate


The weather forecast is looking good for next week, all children will need a sun hat.

Please apply sun cream before school.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 17.06.2024

Thank you for attending our Father’s Day Assembly this morning.

In maths this week we looked at 3D shapes, we learnt about cubes, cuboids, cylinders and spheres.

Other photos from this week

Important Dates

Friday 21st June – No Reading Morning

Friday 28th June – Reading Morning

Wednesday 26th June – New Reception Parents Evening 06.00pm

Tuesday 2nd July – EYFS Sports Day

Thursday 11th – Transition Morning

Wednesday 17th July – Teddy Bears Picnic

Friday 19th July – Last day of term – School finishes 11:45/`3:30.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 07.06.2024

Now that summer term is here, why not visit the fish and chip shop, the children have enjoyed putting the fish and chips in the cones and sitting on the bench to eat them.

This week the children did an observational drawing of flowers in a watering Can. They worked really hard and now these beautiful pictures are up in the gallery in the cloakroom.

In RE we thought about being a friend of Jesus, we drew a picture of ourselves with Jesus.

Other photos this week

Important Dates

Friday 14th June – No Reading Morning

Friday 14th June – Fathers Day Assembly – 09:00am, Parents welcome

Wednesday 26th June – New Reception Parents Evening 06.00pm

Tuesday 2nd July – EYFS Sports Day

Thursday 11th July – Transition Morning

Friday 19th July – Last day of term, school finishes 11:45/13:30.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 24.05.2024

This week in maths we did some activities and used the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer’. We had our own teddy bears and had to give them cubes, one bear with more and one with fewer. We also played a game with our friends where we had to close our eyes and take bears from a bag, we then talked about who had more and who had fewer.

In RE we talked about the word ‘friend’ and made a list of how to be a good friend, the children came up with the following suggestions ‘share our toys’, ‘give our friends a cuddle if they are sad’ and ‘ask a friend to play’.

We also designed our own ‘teddy paperchain of friendship’.

Other photos this week

Friday 7th June – Reading Morning

Have a lovely half term and see you on Monday 3rd June.

Miss Taylor

Nursery 17.05.2024

This week we watched with excitement as the butterflies emerged from their cocoons. By Wednesday we had all 5 so it was time to say goodbye to them, we took them round to the prayer garden to release them.

In PE this week we played some team games.

Today we had our Pentecost Party which everyone really enjoyed, thank you for all the food donations. Yesterday afternoon the children made jam sandwiches for us to share.

Other photos this week

Please remember to apply sunccream before school and children need a hat for outside. Incase we have a shower please can all the children have a raincoat/jacket.

Reading Morning – 24th May

Half term – Monday 27th – Friday 31st May.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor