Reception Home Learning – 01.05.20

Good morning Reception class,

Here are my ideas for today.

Communication and Language/Literacy

Tell a funny story – pass the story

I thought this game may provide an opportunity for your child to use all the imaginative skills we have been learning recently.  You can either use the Jack and the Beanstalk story for the underlying plot or make up an alternative story.  This is a fun game to play together – it works for just two people or the whole family.

What You Need:

A soft, large ball.  Inflatable beach balls are ideal.   Or you just use a soft toy or cushion etc.

How to Play:

The person with the ball starts by speaking those magical words, “Once upon a time…”.  The first person will then roll the ball to the next person who continues the story.  After the next person has added one sentence or a few sentences, he/she rolls the ball to the next person.  A cliff-hanger for the next person who catches the ball would add to the fun – I expect you will probably have to provide these.  Continue taking turns as the story evolves and until you’re ready to finish the story with an ending.

Letters and Sounds

Fee, fi, fo, fum (fee, figh, foa, fum)

This game plays on alliteration and will also help your child develop their ability to read nonsense words (letter sequences that follow regular phonetic rules and are pronounceable, but have no meaning).  This is an important skill and supports your child’s use of phonics.

What to do:

  • Show your child how ‘fee, figh, foa, fum’ can be written based on the sounds they know eg.  ‘ee’, ‘igh’ ‘oa’.
  • Introduce a different letter at the beginning eg. see, sigh, soa, sum.
  • Play this game verbally first, taking turns to change the first letter at the front of the words.  I normally find using a ‘b’ brings about much hilarity.  You will see what I mean.
  • Challenge your child to choose a letter and write The Giant’s phrase eg. if your child chooses a ‘t’ then ask your child to write ‘tee, tigh, toa, tum’.

Adding a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) as the first letter will not work so avoid these.

This game will also really help your child consolidate their knowledge of ‘ee’, ‘igh’ ‘oa’.


Jellybean graph

You will need to buy some jellybeans on your next shopping trip for this game.  Before the jellybeans are gobbled up show your child how a graph could be made – see picture below.

Religious Education

Blessings for those we love

What to do:

  • Provide pictures of individual people – perhaps family members or friends.
  • If you don’t have any pictures to hand, provide a people template for drawing/colouring.  Or your child could just draw a picture of a friend or family member.
  • Ask your child to hold the picture or drawing in their hand.
  • Ask your child to quietly think of the person and picture the person in their mind.
  • Ask your child to say ‘God to bless …….’.
  • Perhaps write a message:  God bless….. God look after …..
  • Stick the picture on your wall or fridge.

I’d also like to recommend the Sunday Liturgy for Families created by Ten Ten Resources in response to church and school closures.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Nicola Palmer