New Entrant documents

We hope the following information and documents will be of assistance. However, should you require any support, please contact the School Office:

Tel: 01727 852687

Email: [email protected]

New Nursery and Reception Information Meeting Powerpoint Presentations

Nursery & Reception Parents Admissions Forms and Policies to Read

The documents below are for your information. Please read through them and complete either the Nursery or Reception Admission Form below. Further documents are available on the Policies section of the website


Medical Information Form

Please notify us if your child has a medical condition by completing the form below and returning to the school office.

Free School Meals/Pupil Premium

Although all infant children receive a government funded free school meal it is important that families entitled to relevant benefits make an application, as this entitles you to further financial assistance and also allows the school to claim a grant. Please read the following document and make a claim if relevant.

Nursery funding: 15 or 30 hours

15 hours

St Adrian’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery offers the Free Early Education Entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds. The entitlement to a free Nursery place is 15 hours over 38 weeks. We are offering morning sessions from 8.45am-11.45 pm Monday to Friday, a total of 15 funded hours. We may also be able to offer you these hours over 2½ days.

30 hours

In addition, we are offering 30 hour child care places. The 30 hours is free to eligible families and you can check whether you are entitled to this here: 

A 30 hours free childcare checklist has been developed for parents which covers some frequently asked questions. You will be required to reconfirm your eligibility for this to us by applying for an 11 digit code every 3 months. If you do not qualify for 30 hours free you can top up by paying for additional sessions. 

Please could you download and complete the declaration form below to confirm whether your child will be attending for 15 our 30 hours and hand this to the school office.

Learning and Development in the Foundation Stage

Useful tips to prepare your child for starting school

School DinnersFor children Reception to Year 6

The school cook provides 4 meal choices per day for children in Reception to Year 6. A meat option, a vegetarian meal, a cold packed lunch or a jacket potato with fillings. The menu runs on a three week cycle changing twice a year. We ask parents of Reception children to choose their child’s meals in advance on the online Reception Admission Form.

Children with any food allergies or medical needs must notify Herts Catering via this link.

They request this information even if you are planning to send a home packed lunch, so they have your child’s details if they ever needed to provide a meal, for instance, due to a forgotten/spoiled packed lunch

Arbor Payments and Communication

Arbor is the preferred method for payment for all school purchases. Parents are invited to log in and set up an account which can then be used to purchase school milk, school bookbags/gym bags/caps and in future can be used to pay for school trips, lunches etc.

If you have trouble logging in, it may be because the school doesn’t have your current email and mobile phone number on record. Please call or email the school and we’ll update the details on our system. ([email protected])


Please see the linked letter below. If any one requires a paper copy of the standing order or Gift Aid forms please contact the school office.


Our school has a very active Parent Teacher Association. Please take a look at their page on the school website. The attached flyer gives you information about up coming events which they hope to host in the autumn term, but of course these will be subject to government restrictions in place at the time.