
This week, we have been thinking about the importance of keeping safe when accessing the internet.

In particular, the children have been thinking about the following internet rules:

  1. Block it and Flag it: If you are worried about anything on the internet, or get that ‘uh oh’ feeling, you should tell a grown-up that you trust
  2. Zip it: Keep your personal information private
  3. Be polite to people on the computer, just like you would on the playground

The children watched the CEOP cartoon below and discussed the top tips. Should you wish to go through it again with your child, or just for your own information, it can be found below:


Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.

PE and Sports Premium Funding 2018-2019

The PE and Sports funding spending outlines for year 2018-2019 are outlined in the document below:

The conditions attached to the PE and Sports Premium Grant can be found here:



There are currently no vacancies.

If you wish to volunteer then please contact the office on 01727 852687.

Appeals and reviews

For transfer appeals, Hertfordshire parents can access the online system via their admissions account.  Parents who live out-of-county or who applied on paper should now use our appeals online system and will need to contact our Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 4043 in order to obtain their registration details to gain access.

After Allocation Day on 16 April 2021, you will be able to appeal for any of the primary, infant, junior or middle schools you applied for, but for which you have been unsuccessful. This website will tell you how to do that closer to the time. Primary school appeals – starting at primary 2021.

  • Appeals deadline – submit your appeal by 4pm on 21 May 2021.
  • Appeals will be heard 16 June – 23 July 2021.
  • Appellants (the person who made the appeal) will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least 10 school days in advance of the hearing (unless you’ve been requested to agree shorter timescales).
  • Appellants will be sent a copy of the school’s case 7 working days in advance of the hearing.
  • Appeals lodged after these dates will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date.

Please be aware that parent guidance for appeals is found on this link: appeals guidance .  There is no longer a published document.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Appeals Team on 01992 588548.

Admissions for other classes

In-Year Applications

An application can be made for a place for a child at any time outside the admission round and the child will be admitted where there are available places.  An application should be made to the school by completing the in-year admissions application form below and returning it to us at St Adrian’s Catholic Primary School, Watling View, St Albans, Herts AL1 2PB.

Where there are places available but more applications than places, the published over-subscription criteria, as set out in the admission arrangements for the current academic year, will be applied. https://stadrians.herts.sch.uk/statutory-information/admissions/

Parents are advised to read the admission arrangements carefully before making their application.

If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list.  Please see the admission arrangements for more details.

You will be advised of the outcome of your application in writing as soon as possible.  Applicants must be informed of the outcome of their application within 15 school days of receipt, but the aim is to notify applicants of the outcome of their application within 10 school days of receipt.

You have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel if your application is unsuccessful.

If you have any questions in relation to in-year admissions please contact admin@stadrians.herts.sch.uk. 

You may also wish to discuss in-year applications with the local authority via admissions.central@hertfordshire.gov.uk

Reception admissions

We welcome applications from all families who support the Catholic ethos of our school. For 2023-2024 applications, we accepted children up to criteria 11 with those from criteria 13 ranked by distance.

Although a certificate of Catholic Practice is preferable, it is NOT essential to obtain a place in Nursery or Reception.

In year admissions 2023-2024

Please download the application form and return it to the office with the relevant documentation if appropriate.


Applications for school places in Reception for September 2024 are for children born between 1/9/2019 and 31/8/2020.

We warmly welcome visits to the the school to see the wonderful learning that takes place. Please do call to book a tour or email the office admin@stadrians.herts.sch.uk / 01727852687

How to apply for admission to the reception class for entry September 2024

Applications are open to apply online at: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/admissions. In addition you will need to complete the Supplementary Information Form (SIF below) and provide a copy of your child’s baptism certificate. These documents can be handed to the school office.

Admissions for 2025-2026

Our Reception class is a place of constant joy and learning.

Reception Teacher: Mrs S Solokova
Reception key workers: Mrs Reid and Miss Cox

 A Typical Day in St Adrian’s Reception Class

8.45 – Classroom doors open

8.45 – 9.00 – Funky Finger Activities

9.00 – 9.20 – Register, Circle Time, RE and Prayer

9.20 – 10.00 – Maths

10.00 -11.15 – Learning Through Play and Snack

11.15 – 11.45 – Phonics

11.45-12.00 – Singing

12.00 – 12.50 – Prayer and Lunch Time

12.50 – 13.30 – Register, Story Time and Guided Reading

13.30 – 14.00 – Adult Led Activities eg. RE, PE

14.00 – 15.00 – Learning Through Play

15.00 – 15.15 – Story Time and Home

Nursery Admissions

We welcome applications from all families in support of the Catholic ethos of our school. 

We encourage visits to the the school to see the wonderful learning that takes place. Please do call to book a tour or email the office admin@stadrians.herts.sch.uk / 01727852687

In year admissions 2023-2024

Please download the application form and return it to the office with the relevant documentation if appropriate.

Admissions 2024-2025

Nursery admissions – For Nursery Admissions you can apply directly to the school, a link to the application form is below. 

Applications for Nursery places for September 2024 are for children born between 1/9/2020and 31/8/21.

Applications should be made directly to the school by submitting a SIF Early Years Application Form and a copy of your child’s baptism certificate and a Priest’s Certificate, if appropriate.   Although a certificate of Catholic Practice is preferable, it is NOT essential to obtain a place in Nursery or Reception.

Admissions for 2025-2026

There are so many exciting things happening in our Nursery and there are also places available for this academic year.

Nursery Teacher: Miss H Taylor
Nursery Key worker: Miss Cox

A Typical Day in St Adrian’s Nursery Class

8:45 – classroom doors open 

8:45 – 9.00 – funky fingers

9:00 – 9:15 – prayer, calendar, wake and shake 

9:15 -09:30 – phonics 

09:30 – 11: 00 – Learning through play / rolling snack 

11:00 – 11:15 – tidy up time 

11:15 – 11:30 – group time 

11:30 – 11:45 singing/story 

11:45 – home time for those children doing 15 hours

11:45 – 13:00 lunch time 

13:00 – 1315 – group time 

13:15 – 14:45 – learning through play 

14:45 – 15:00 tidy up time 

15:00 – 15:15 – story time/getting ready for home/ prayer

You are welcome to visit us. Maybe, you and your child would like to stay and play for part of a morning? Contact us on 01727 – 852687 to arrange a visit.