Year 5 Week 3

Dear Parents,

It has been another eventful week in Year 5.

Parents Meeting

It was so lovely to see so many of you at the Parents meeting. Please find attached a copy of the powerpoint I used to remind you of the key points.


On Tuesday, we were treated to a skipping workout from Skip2Bfit. The children really got into and are keen to beat their personal bests for skips in 2 minutes ( so am I after being fit-shamed !)

Science – Earth in Space

The children have been learning about the scale of the Solar System and to reinforce this, we modeled it on the playground. For those interested , the order is : Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Asteroid belt; Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus and Neptune.

Mercy Mass

It was a lovely morning with the children celebrating Mass.  The singing was lovely and the children really warmed to Fr Michael. The picnic outside was also very enjoyable.

RE – Ourselves

In Re we are studying a topic entitled : Ourselves. Here is some more information about it:

Have a great week,

Mr Creaton

Year 5 summer week 14


Year 5 summer week 14

Dear Parents,

Your child was given their school report today and I hope you find it informative.  For my part, although reports are never easy to write, my task was made considerably  easier because there were so many positive things to say about this class.

Mr Bedford, Mrs Butterworth and I would like to congratulate the children on all their hard work and progress. We are very proud of them.

At this time of year, we feel that the homework should be looking towards year 6.  So we are not setting a formal homework but, instead,  want the children to read through their reports carefully and identify what areas they need to focus on. They should then develop their own ‘action plan’ to prepare them for life in Year 6.

Have a great weekend,

Mr Creaton



























































































































































































Year 5 summer week 12

Year 5 summer week 12

Dear Parents,

Here is a few things we have been up to over the last couple of weeks.

Visit to Nicholas Breakspear:

We had a great time at Nicholas Breakspear and got a real taste of life at secondary school experiencing lessons in English, Science, Maths and RE and History.

Science – Environments:

We were able to enjoy the sunshine and make the most of investigating various habitats around the school.


St Michael’s:

Another visit; another excellent school.  We had a science day at St Michael’s and enjoyed making rockets, using Bunsen burners and experimenting with acids and alkalis.


Back at St Adrian’s, we continued our habitats and life-cycles work by dissecting and identifying parts of a flower and the fruits they produce.


Note to parents – I am sure that you are aware that in a few months you will be visiting secondary schools with a view to securing a place for your child in year 7.  Where you choose will be a complex and personal decision based on what you feel will be best for your child. For what it’s worth, I was very  impressed by St Michael’s and many of you will be familiar with it.  Perhaps off the radar for some of you is Nicholas Breakspear. I thought it had a lovely, calm atmosphere.  If you had not considered either of these Catholic schools, I urge you to pay them a visit as well any other school on your list.


Have a great weekend,


Mr Creaton


Year 5 Summer Week 10

Year 5 Summer Week 10


We had a go out finding our way around the school using a map for our orienteering course. To make mattes a bit more challenging, I put in quite a few dummy markers. Here’s how they got on:

At the moment we are all beavering away processing the World Cup score sheets for the entire school- a surprisingly convoluted process.  I think it has been an eye-opener for the children as an introduction to office work.

For those of you who were not here on Friday, here is the latest score sheets (to be handed back on Monday):

World cup sheet 4


Finally, a reminder that on Monday, the children will be going to Nicholas Breakspear. They will be taken from, and dropped back to St Adrian’s by 3:15 pm .

Children should wear trainers instead of shoes but the rest of their attire should be the normal school uniform.  They will also need a pencil case and packed lunch.

Have a great weekend,

Mr Creaton


Year 5 Summer week 9

Year 5 Summer Week 9

Over the last two weeks, things have been pretty exciting in Year 5.

The children have finally finished their purses as part of their art project. No two purses were alike. Here are some photos (and some photo bombing!)



Our current topic of Treasure Island has got the children so excited that they have to re-enact it. How did Pugh become ‘Blind Pugh?’


In Science we have been trying to answer this question – ‘Will a ball dropped  from twice the height always bounce twice as high?’

Taking advantage of our new sports facilities…..


Kwik Cricket

Some of the girls in my class were representing the school at Kwik Cricket and only lost to much bigger schools. Well done!

The Blitz

My Dad was in school this week and was able to tell the children about growing up, being evacuated and bombed in London as a young child. I think the class got a lot from it.

Afterwards,  he complimented me on the  many intelligent questions and  impeccable behaviour from the class.


Mrs Binks

It is with sadness that we had to say goodbye to Mrs Binks this week – she has decided that now was a good time to spend more time pursuing her other interests.  We wish her all the best.


The World Cup.

There has been frenzied activity in the class as Year 5 have the job of administering and running the World Cup Bonanza competition at school. I would not be able to do it without them.


On a side note. Each class has been given in a country in the sweep-stake (ice-lollies for the class with the highest achieving team).

I never thought I would say this in a World Cup –

‘Come on Germany!’

Have a great week,


Mr Creaton

Year 5 summer week 3

Dear parents,

We have started a new topic in English which will focus on letter writing and diary writing.  The context for this will be looking from the viewpoint of a World War 2 evacuee.  We have used ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’  and ‘Carrie’s War’  as source material.  This links in with their current history topic.

This week in science we have been looking at air resistance and , in particular,  how it may affect falling parachutes.

Thank you to all the parents that attended the SPEC meeting.  Here is the most recent version  of the powerpoint.



Have a great Bank holiday,

Mr Creaton