Year 5 Summer Week 10

Year 5 Summer Week 10


We had a go out finding our way around the school using a map for our orienteering course. To make mattes a bit more challenging, I put in quite a few dummy markers. Here’s how they got on:

At the moment we are all beavering away processing the World Cup score sheets for the entire school- a surprisingly convoluted process.  I think it has been an eye-opener for the children as an introduction to office work.

For those of you who were not here on Friday, here is the latest score sheets (to be handed back on Monday):

World cup sheet 4


Finally, a reminder that on Monday, the children will be going to Nicholas Breakspear. They will be taken from, and dropped back to St Adrian’s by 3:15 pm .

Children should wear trainers instead of shoes but the rest of their attire should be the normal school uniform.  They will also need a pencil case and packed lunch.

Have a great weekend,

Mr Creaton