Please read our Monthly R.E Newsletter so you can get a sense of Catholic life here in St Adrian’s
R.E Monthly Newsletter – October 2024
2025 Jubilee Year – Pilgrims of Hope
This year, in the church we will be celebrating the Jubilee Pilgrims of Hope Year. We held a launch assembly which was delivered to the school and have begun to learn the Jubilee Prayer.
We will have a focus through the year thinking about how we can be pilgrims of hope and stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world to work for a peace filled with hope, peace and love. Click on the link below to view the assembly.
Our Prayer Life
Children start and end their school day with a prayer as well as saying The Angelus at midday.
Each year group learns additional prayers, beginning with the Our Father. As children grow older, they learn the Hail Mary and a number of other important prayers.

Throughout all of the RE topics, there are a number of opportunities for the children to compose their own prayers.
All classes have a class prayer bag which can be taken home and used as part of the family prayer times. Each family loves to use the resources in the prayer bag to develop their own prayer and add it to the class prayer journal. These prayers are then shared in class and used as part of the class prayers.
Next door to the dining room, is our prayer garden, which is a wonderful place for the children to go to at playtimes if they need to spend some time in prayer. Classes also make use of this space as part of their RE learning or class celebrations of the Word.
School progression in prayer

Click on the links below to find copies of the prayers that the children say in school, so that you can learn them together as a family.

Come, Holy Spirit

Prayer of St Richard of Chichester