Rotary Young Writer competition

You are invited to take part in this year’s Young Writer competition, organised by Rotary International in Britain and Ireland. Children at St Adrian’s have enjoyed great success in this competition in the past, with Natalie’s writing getting through to the National finals. 

The competition is open to anyone who was aged between 7 and 17 on the 31st August 2018. 

To enter the competition, you should produce a written or typed story entitled, ‘My Inspiration.’

Your writing could be fiction or non-fiction, a story or a poem, as long as the piece relates to the theme. Questions have been asked about spelling and although this is not an issue the only advice to be given are that judges of this competition have made comment upon spelling in the past.

An A4 page or up to 500 words is a suggested suitable length.

The closing date for the local St Albans heat is 12th January 2019. 

Entries should be sent to the Stage organiser at the address below along with the completed entry form.

Rotary Young Writers Competition
St. Albans Priory
Verulam Golf Club
London Road
St Albans


The competition is organised in three stages: local heats, district finals and national finals. At all stages, competitors will receive a certificate of participation. The national winners will be given appropriate awards.

Get writing and good luck!

Year 5 Week 3

Dear Parents,

It has been another eventful week in Year 5.

Parents Meeting

It was so lovely to see so many of you at the Parents meeting. Please find attached a copy of the powerpoint I used to remind you of the key points.


On Tuesday, we were treated to a skipping workout from Skip2Bfit. The children really got into and are keen to beat their personal bests for skips in 2 minutes ( so am I after being fit-shamed !)

Science – Earth in Space

The children have been learning about the scale of the Solar System and to reinforce this, we modeled it on the playground. For those interested , the order is : Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Asteroid belt; Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus and Neptune.

Mercy Mass

It was a lovely morning with the children celebrating Mass.  The singing was lovely and the children really warmed to Fr Michael. The picnic outside was also very enjoyable.

RE – Ourselves

In Re we are studying a topic entitled : Ourselves. Here is some more information about it:

Have a great week,

Mr Creaton

Y6 New prayers

In year 6, we have introduced new morning and afternoon prayers. You will need to learn them off by heart. 

Morning Prayer

The Guardian Angel Prayer

Angel of God, my guardian dear,

to whom His love entrusts me here,

ever this day be at my side,

to light and guard, to rule and guide.


End of Day Prayer

Lord, keep us safe this night,

and free from all our fears.

May angels guard us while we sleep,

until morning light appears.

As a school we are taking part in the Angelus, daily at 12pm. Please learn the words off by heart.