Happy Christmas, Year 4!

Thank you so much to you all for your generous gifts and kind words from all of us who have the joy of working with Year 4.

We hope that you and all of your families have a happy and peaceful Christmas and looking forward to seeing you all again in the new year when term begins of 7th January.

(In the meantime, enjoy being at home with your families, help your parents, read a book or three, keep your tables sharp and stay on top of your spellings. Lastly, be good!)

Y4 National SumDog competition

Well done to all of you who entered this week’s National SumDog competition. 3506 classes entered and we came a very impressive 173rd, scoring 347 points – exactly the same score as our friends in Year 5. They may have sneaked ahead of us on speed, but Year 4 triumph with the top placed student, Aidan, who came 40th out of 31,737 students – great job.

The competition may be over, but SumDog is always on hand to help sharpen your maths skills and while away the hours whilst you are waiting for school to start again on January 7th!

Y4 Viola visit!

Following our visit to see Hansel and Gretel on Tuesday, we were lucky enough to be visited by Natalie’s mum today, who told us a little of her role with the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House. Natalie’s mum played her viola for us and answered our questions about playing and performing as part of an orchestra.  

Thank you to Natalie, for planning what your mum should tell us, and to your mum for taking the time to come and visit. 

Year 4 @ The Royal Opera House

Year Four had a wonderful day today, visiting the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden to see Humperdinck’s Hansel and Gretel. The opportunity to see this story staged was a great way to conclude our English writing sequence on this Grimm’s tale. 

We were lucky enough to have seats right at the front of the orchestra stalls which meant we were also able to see Natalie’s mum in the orchestra.

Year 1 Home Learning

Dear all,

You will now find Year 1’s home learning under the tab on the right hand side. The password is the one discussed at our parent meeting in the first couple of weeks of term.

Thank you,

Mrs Teixeira

Advent wreaths

Below, you will find pictures of the hand made Advent wreaths sent in over the past week. The children clearly enjoyed making them and enjoyed discussing all they had learnt at home. They look fantastic!

Crossed wires in Year 4

Our learning continues with an investigation into the science of string telephones. We learnt that  vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear: in our phones, the vibrations travelled through the air and the cup, through the string and then into our ears. 

Y4 We’ve Won!

Earlier this term, children in year four took part in a national poetry writing competition promoted by Premier League Primary Stars. 

Our prize – a book bag packed full of poetry books. 

Yesterday, we received a book bag packed full of poetry books in recognition of our entries. Well done, Year Four! We will have to wait and see whether our poems progress to the next stage of the competition. In the meantime, we can enjoy sharing our brilliant new books. 

Creative RE in Year Two

A wonderful project book showing the children’s learning about Saint Teresa can be found in our class library.

Year Two are very sad that their amazing display on Saint Teresa of Calcutta has been taken down.  We are hoping to put their beautiful drawings up in the classroom.  Meanwhile, the children have been inspired by the story of the Annunciation and they are now designing their own angels as part of an Art and Design Technology project.  During your visit to the school to watch the children’s play on Thursday 13th December, please do take a look at our finished display of angels which will accompany the Angelus prayer in the dining room.  We look forward to seeing you all then.