Welcome to Year Four

I hope that you have all had a lovely holiday. It is good to welcome the children back for the start of a new school year.

We have not set maths and English homework this week. School reading books have been sent home today and I ask that you encourage your child to read regularly at home, supporting them to develop the habit of reading for enjoyment. It may be that your child is already reading a book from home or from the library. If this is the case, I would be grateful if they would note this in the school reading record.

I have updated the RE home learning section with details of our current topic. In the first of our themes, People, we will be learning about the family of God in Scripture. 

During the next month, I would like you write a special prayer for your family. Your prayer will form part of our class prayer book – Take time to decorate your prayer and make it look wonderful. Your neat handwriting might help persuade me that you are ready for your pen licence! You will need to hand in your RE homework by Wednesday, 2nd October.