Nursery – 17.03.2023

Our story this week was The 3 Little Pigs. The children have enjoyed learning about the pigs and what they used to make their houses. In the nursery there were a variety of 3 Little Pigs activities for the children to have a go at such as dressing the pigs, making one of the houses using the large construction blocks outside, 3 little pigs role play and 3 Little PIgs Bingo which the children enjoyed.

The children also enjoyed watching this very funny version of the story online:

This week as part of our RE lesson we were able to go out on our spring walk to find signs of new life growing outside, the children had their own clipboard and had to tick off what they found.

We have decided to do our own growing in class, we will watch and observe closely over the next few days to see the mung beans grow.

The children have been working really hard this week practising the songs for Mothers Day. They did really well in the assembly this morning and sang so beautifully – they also liked seeing their siblings singing.

Other photos from this week:

Have a lovely weekend and wishing all the mums a very happy mothers day on Sunday.

Miss Taylor

Science week in Year 6

This week, as part of our science topic, Light, Year 6 have learnt about the work of Sir Isaac Newton.

In 1666, Newton made a discovery about light that led him to develop his Theory of Colour, a theory that still informs our understanding of light today. He placed a prism in front of ray of light, and his observations were incredible.

We worked together to replicate Newton’s discoveries in class. Isaac Newton realised that although light looks white, it is actually made up of all the colours of the rainbow. When these colours merge together, it looks white to our eyes, but we can use a prism to separate the different colours of the spectrum using refraction.

Stanley’s Stick

This week we have finished our English block on Stanley’s Stick by writing our own version called Sarah’s Sock. We have had a funny time in class exploring all the different things an odd (or pair) of socks can be!

In Maths we have been using manipulatives to make numbers to 40 and we are learning to order, read and write them as well.

We have also spent some time focusing on whole body listening to encourage better focus.

Year 6 Mother’s Day song

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If you are in Year 6, welcome!

Use the embedded PowerPoint to learn our Mother’s Day song. We need to know it ‘by heart’ as we won’t have the words for the assembly on Friday.

Have fun (and practise sotto voce!)

Year 1 – Feb.24th

We have had a busy week back from Half-term.

In maths we have been looking at 2d and 3D shapes. We have labelled everything in the class and played I spy using the properties of shape.

We have been singing this lovely shape song.

On Ash Wednesday we received Ashes and made a simple cross. We talked about what we could give up for the period of Lent.

As it gets nearer to Easter we will decorate these in recognition of a more joyful celebration.

Year 2 get connected

As part of this week’s Mental Health Week, we have been thinking carefully about all the different things that we can do to maintain our wellbeing. We did some of these great activities as a class and some with our friends in Year 1. Click on the slide presentation below to see all the wonderful things that we have done this week.

Five ways to good wellbeing

Mental Health Awareness Week

This week in Year I, as part of Mental Health Awareness Week we have talked about connections and worked with different people in our class and other classes. We have taken part in daily Yoga sessions and learnt about being safe when connecting with people on the internet.

We have been drawing our feelings using different media. Mostly we have been learning how to share our feelings in a positive way and help ourselves feel better when we are sad.

Year Six investigate…

In our science learning this week, Year Six investigated the affect of exercise on our heart beat. We had fun finding our pulse and measuring our pulse rate before and after exercise. Not only did we find out that exercise causes our hearts to beat faster, we plotted the time taken for our pulse rate to recover. We also used our scientific understanding to explain why our healthy bodies need our hearts to pump faster during exercise.

We supersized our art work this week, continuing our learning about Michelangelo’s David, but this time working in charcoal.

Year 2 scientists

We have been exploring materials this term and have had great fun learning the new words transparent, opaque, waterproof, absorbent, flexible and rigid.

You’ll never guess what though. Goldilocks was going for a walk to visit the three bears, only to discover that it was raining, so she needed a hat that would stop her from getting her flowing, golden locks wet. We carried out some investigations to see what materials were waterproof and we recommended that oil cloth was the best choice because it is flexible and waterproof.

Year 2 get planting

As part of our learning in English and science, we have been reading the story of The House Held Up by Trees by Ted Kooser. It is a beautiful book and as a result of reading it, we planted sweet pea seeds and a tree that will be part of our schools contribution to The Queen’s Canopy. We have been learning about different sentence types and we wrote command sentences to give clear instructions on how to plant seeds. Our handwriting has got better and better this term and we are very proud of it.

Despite so much illness in school, we are busy preparing for our Christmas play and we are looking forward to performing it to you on 14th December.