For those of you who have been wondering what’s been going on in Year 5…


Rather than wind down for the end of term, in Year 5 we believe in squeezing out every bit of curriculum time that we can. We had a great time on Tuesday along the Alban Way and Sopwell Nunnery ( thanks to Mrs Parrett, Mrs Bird and Mrs Watson making this possible).

Later, back in class, we were able to complete some brilliant project work based on the trip.

Please look at the Herts Reading Challenge this summer – enjoy yourselves, relax and stay safe -come back refreshed and ready for Year 6!

Well this week was Sports Day – And what a slick opperation it was! Now these things don’t happen by accident – We made sure that we haelped the Key Stage 1 sports day go well by helping Mrs Hayes and Mrs Thompson . Later we also helped with orgaising of the Key Stage 2 Sports Day as well as competing.

Later in the week we were treated to a lovely act of worship from some of the boys in our class

This week the children were proud to display all their work at the Open Evening. Parents were treated to an array of artwork, sculpture and bridge constructions. Others tried their hand at solving some encrypted messages or identify St Albans buildings from the past. The bravest of brave even watched a selection of terrifying videos that the children had made depicting the The Marwell Murder Mystery.

Sorry – Photos refuse to load but I have put them on the Google Classroom


Friday Morning,

A very quiet night was had by all – none of the usual disagreements over shining torches after lights out or the dreaded 3 am knock at the teacher’s door… “I can’t sleep” .

One case of fake snoring and excessively noisy trips to the shower at 6 am was all I can report.

Some quotations:

“That’s the best night’s sleep I’ve had for three years”

“Great Hot Chocolate”

“Food is great (kisses thumb and first finger)”

“I like the forsest”

“campfire was brilliant”

“Grat sharing with your mates”

“They have vegetarian hot chocolate !!!”

Now for the final room check –

Teacher: So you ‘ve all checked your room and made sure you’ve left nothing behind

Boys : (Heads nod vigorously) Yes we’ve double checked – it’s all clear.

Teacher: So why is there a sock over there, a tooth brush by the sink and a coat under the bed?

Boys: (sheepishly in unison) Oh .

Off to breakfast now – and here’s a few more photos from yesterday

Hi All,

Just to say everyone is having a great time.

Activities today have included drama’s on the lives of the saints, treasure hunts, hamma bead crosses and exposition of The Blessed Sacrament followed by fireside stories at the campfire and hot chocolate.

Now its time for bed and sleep …

This week we have started finding out about the tragic events at Marwell Manor. Lady Anne has been found murdered and many of the children are convinced it was her husband who comes into millions from her will – or does the house keeper, Ruth, have something to hide.

Yesterday we all celebrated Ascension day at the Church. Year 5 helped with Year 1. The children behaved beautifully.

I had a really hard time deciding who would go forward to deliver their speech to the school. After much deliberation, it was decided that Kane was our best bet – he delivered his speech with aplomb to the rest of the school and we are now far more aware of our excessive use of plastic and how we can remedy the situation.

We have learnt all there is to know about the perils of using too much plastic and have all prepared speeches to deliver to the rest of the school about what they should do to address this issue- they might be asking you to listen to their speeches as they practise.

May is also the month of Mary and we have produced some artwork which celebrates some famous martyrs (Mary- Queen of Martyrs).

As we finish our work on plastic we move to a new genre in English – Mystery writing.

Miss Allen, our new sports coach, has started teaching dance to the pupils.

Well this week we have been busy preparing for our Class Mass and I have to say it was a wonderful experience. The children read, served and sang beautifully and were very reverent. A big thank you to Fr Francis for celebrating the Mass and to Mrs Porter and Mrs Parrett for their in help preparing the Mass.

We have been doing lots of work for Earth Day. We wrote some poetry and did some research into reducing our carbon footprint and using single-use plastic ( Don’t be surprised if your children give you a hard time next you put a ready meal in the microwave!)

Our brave boys were in action in the Six-a-side and kept two clean sheets. Unfortunately, in a very tight competion a headed wonder goal from a Skywood striker meant that we missed out on going to the finals tournament on goal difference.

Easter Art Competition and Parade

Congratulations to the two winners from Year 5 and the wonderful contributions from Year 5


This week we have extended our crytopgraphy lessons to binary signals using morse code.


We had a chance to see the baby chicks in reception this week.

Holy Week

In RE, we re-enacted aspects of the events of Holy Week


We have started a new topic in Computing and how messages could be sent across distances. Historically this was accomplished using semaphore.

Wow – what a week.


Every year this is an event which the children enjoy by dressing up as their favourite book characters. This year, we paired up with Year 1 and read their books to them.

And whilst on the subject of wonderful books, it has been suggested to me that children, on their birthday might wish to donate a book to the library. There is a suggested list on amazon for some titles for year 5 and the link is below:

We have been looking at personal development and how to avoid succumbing to undue pressure to do things we would rather not do – helped by some role-play.

History of St Albans.

Using Archive photos, we have identified how various views and landmarks of St Albans have changed (or not changed) and attempted to match them up with their modern counterparts.

Mothers’ Day

Not a dry eye was left in the house after our beautiful rendition of Bob Dylan/Adele ‘s ‘Make You Feel My Love’.

Well another hectic week rolls by- this week we have had more work on our bridges; internet safety; and well being so there have been sessions off timetable

Yoga and Dance and mindfulness

Investigating how we can be manipulated on the internet (Internet Safety Day)

Well this week we have been busy with science experiments – investigating insulation. This involved taking a series of temperature readings and using the chromebooks to help us analyse our results.

NSPCC Numbers Day

Following a tip off from a parent, we tried our hand at a few maths packages that are currently on the market (IXL Maths and Maths frame) – fun was had by all.

Well things are still buzzing in Year 5 and our class is still busy with Mrs Bartley- we have moved on to bridges in DT.

Whilst some of the class were away representing the school at the indoor sportshall athletics, the rest of us took some time to do some problem solving in maths.

We have been working very hard with Mrs Bartley on our electric light up boxes – much more fiddlly than it looks but it has been a great learning experience.

Well this week we have been working with fractions. Whilst some of us parents (and tutors) will know the mantra of’ times the bottom and top to get equivalent fractions’ , here is us putting theory into practice.

Wishing you all a very happy and holy Christmas and New Year.

We have been quite eclectic in our activities :

You will know from the Harvest Festival that we are a musical bunch, and here’s more evidence ….

In RE we have been having class acts of worship which have been prepared and delivered by the children. We have also learnt about the prayer that Jewish people say called the Shema and how they keep it stored in a special box called a Mezuzah.

In maths we have been calculating square and cube numbers but first get real concrete experience of what this means

Well another fun week has flown by. We have completed our Shakesprianesque plyscripts and look forward to starting our new book . Christmas will be here soon and we have started to sing some carols for the Carol Service (see home learning). Naturally, being Year 5, we were best and were awarded the singing trophy.

Friday was also Children in Need day and there was a cake sale. Naturally, being Year 5, our cakes were best.

Friday was also Multiplication Tables Day. We have taken part in a TTRS competition and did a variety of times tables related activities.

The Curriculum rolls on and now we are gearing up for some serious Times Tables work in Maths. In English, we have started learning about The Bard, and in particular , The Tempest. We are currently writing our own scripts for our Shakespearean scene based on a black and white video clip of a 1908 film version. Here we are, working in our groups, with the initial draft of our scene


Our first trip of the year. This time we were off to Cambridge to sample the delights of The Centre for Computing History Cambridge. This is a fantastic museum – 0pen to the public by the way. Inside was a vast cornucopia of computing memorabillia and paraphernalia starting from even before my time – although the site of the 80s classroom and early computer and video games brought a tear to my eye. They even had the coverted ZX81 and Sinclair Spectrum. Looking at the size of the computers, the children were taken aback by the fact that they had significantly smaller computing power than a modern laptop.

Across the day, the children were treated to various workshops including a talk on the history of computing; morse code as a method of binary communication; controlling devices using programming on a Raspberry Pi; and a trip to the Game Zone which had all manner of arcade games and computer games from days of yore.

The big data disk from 1959 is about a metre across and holds onnly 4MB – roughly enough memory to send 30 emails (without attachments).

Programming with the Raspberry Pi

Using Morse Code

Fun in the Games Room (below)

Well this week we have been tackling some rather tricky maths and have got our heads around inverse operations whilst in English, we have all but completed the first draft of our (Katherine Johnson’s) memoir. We have been gearing up for our Computing Trip to Cambridge with some rather beautiful patterns produced by our algorithms (more on theactual trip to follow).

Wednesday was the Harvest Festival and it was great to see all the classes delivering songs of thanks for the harvest as well as more sobering thoughts for those that still go hungry. We did our part with our rendition of ‘In my Lifetime’

In English, after being inspired by the book, ‘Here We Are’ , we have written our own guides to lead a good life and maintain health and well-being. We are currently studying ‘Hidden Figures’ which chronicles the struggles and ultimate triumph of four African American Women working for NASA during the space race with the Soviet Union.

This makes a timely backdrop to our Black History Month celebrations, where the children learn about the contribution that Black people have made to our culture, community and development. In particular, we have been studying Baroness Benjamin (Floella Benjamin ) and her memoirs on living in Trinidad and then coming to England as part of the Windrush Generation.

In response to an initiative from the Well-being Team, we have been decorating hands with a view to making a beautiful collage.

In maths we have been learning about Place Value and playing games against each other.

Science has seen us very busy learning about the solar system – researching on laptops; doing a find the planet treasure hunt and mapping out or own scale model of the Solar System.

The Vikings had their gentler side too and, when not pillaging and plundering, loved nothing more than creating knots; printing patterns ; carving animals and mythical creatures; and producing ornate, deocrated jewellery. As a precursor to our study of the Vikings later this term, we have been studying Viking Art.

Sporting Prowess

Well as if all this wasn’t enough, members of Year 5 . Lots of the boys were in the football team playing against St Columba’s. Whilst the Year 6 Netball Team was stengthened by the inclusion of our very own Neve.

This week in Year 5 (26th -30June)

We finally completed our people in action sculptures – here was a photo from our display at the open evening. And also us investigating the power of levers in science

This week in Year 5 (19th -23rd June)

We have had a very busy day with lots of art, learning about Degas and how to use body proportions for people in action.

Many of year 5 were involved in the didtrict sports and there was also wheel chair basketball as well for everyone. ( More details on the sports page)

We took part in St Adrian’s got Talent with two groups of girls

Well done Maya , Lucy Rukksika, Abbie, Katie, Jess , Lara and thanks to Beth for helping to organise the competition.

This week in Year 5 (9th -14th June)

This week in English we were learning about the Mars Rover for our new Book, Curiosity. And Finally, we completed our fans in DT.

In Science we have been investigating air resistnce with paper helicopters and of course on Friday we sang our hearts out for our dads.

This week in Year 5 (5th -9th June)

Well we have been very busy again- with the hot weather we have been making desk fans to help cool us down as part of our DT project. The art display on Wednesday was a great way toshow case our artistic talents. And, of course, on Thursday, we all went to Mountfitchet Castle and the House on the Hill Toy Museum

SPEC 2023

(Subsequent posts will be added to the bottom of the SPEC post so that it will read chronologically)

SPEC 2023 (Wednesday morning until lunch time)

Well we’ve never been away on a school trip but don’t we look excited as we wait for the coach to arrive.

We’ve arrived safely and time for a bit of orientation and warm up games before lunch

Time for lunch – everyone was happy with the food…

Now for a bit of exploration and play after lunch in the beautiful grounds:

SPEC 2023 (Wednesday afternoon and night)

So then , after running off our lunch it was time for some games and a treasure hunt then drama in the chapel.

Then a bit more exploring…

A great way to work up an appetite- ready for tea

and a play…

Before finishing off some earlier work with hamma beads…

Then , after this, it was back to the chapel for exposition

Then to round off the evening, singing around the campfire with hot chocolate, marsh mallows, biscuits and a drama about St Joan of Arc.

9: 15 pm. Now it is bed time . The children have brushed their teeth, showered and completed their skin care regimes and settled down for the night.

10:30pm … All quiet on the western front !

Thursday Morning

All the children made it through the night and , unusually, there were no tears or children wanting to go home at 2 am. However, suffice to say, they will all probably want an early night when they get back home.

Its 7:30 am – the children are up and ready for play before breakfast. They head off to do some more exploring in the woods or climbing up steep muddy hills on this beautiful summer’s morning ; a tear springs to my eye as I’m magically transported back to my carefree childhood in the halcyon epoch that was the mid 1970s.

With appetites suitable whetted, its time for breakfast – a selection of croisant, pain au chocolat, toast, preserves, fruit, yoghurt and cereal- just like they have at home.

Thursday mid -morning

details to follow…

After breakfast was ‘Stations of Light’ where, in the serenity of the grounds, we read readings whilst walking the Stations of the Cross.

Check out the Year 5 (St Paul) page for subsequent updates.

Then time for break…

Afterwards it was off to the cinema and then preparation for Mass.

Mass in the Chapel.

Our final meal at Spec- bangers and mash

What a wonderful couple of days – Thank you to all the saff at SPEC and to our own Mrs Porter and Miss Cartwright.

And to Oli for additional photagraphy.