Year 1 read to Reception

On Thursday, Year 1 and Reception joined together for a very special afternoon. Over the past four weeks, Year 1 have been writing stories based on ‘It’s My Birthday’ and, once they were finished, were able to go and read their versions to Reception. Year 1 were extremely proud of themselves and all of the hard work that they had put in. Reception were very excited to listen to their stories! 

Reception were so inspired by the Year 1s that they had to tell us the story of Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle. Year 1 agreed that they were fantastic!

Perhaps at the next Sharing Friday, you might like to come and look at all of the children’s fantastic work and effort!

Prayer for the Feast of Christ the King

O my Divine Saviour,
Transform me into Yourself.
May my hands be the hands of Jesus.
Grant that every faculty of my body
May serve only to glorify You.
Above all,
Transform my soul and all its powers
So that my memory, will and affection
May be the memory, will and affections
Of Jesus.
I pray for You
To destroy in me
All that is not of You.
Grant that I may live
But in You, by You and for You,
So that I may truly say,
With St. Paul,
“I live – now not I –
but Christ lives in me”.

[Author unknown.]

Image result for Christ the King

Thank you!

A big, big thank you to all of the Y6 children and parents for your generous gifts, cards and kind words for Baby May. My husband and I are truly grateful. I have promised the children that I will bring her/him in to meet them at some point after Christmas. 

I wish all of the Y6 children the best of luck for the rest of year.

God bless. 

Mrs May 

Learning in Year 2

This week, we have been learning about the religion of Islam.  Arafa brought in her prayer mat and taught her friends about the way in which she prays five times every day.  Arafa taught us all a huge amount about how Muslims pray.

As part of their learning about Signs and Symbols, the children created some beautiful baptism candles and thought very carefully about the signs and symbols that were meaningful to them.  Well to everyone.

Y4 present ‘the science of sound’

Everyone worked hard to find out about the science of sound. Working in groups, the children planned and presented a short TV programme to share what they had learnt. We all enjoyed watching our videos afterwards.  

Dramatic Year 2

The children have had a great start to Year 2 and have been very excited about their new learning.  What has been especially rewarding is the enthusiasm with which pupils have brought in information from home about current learning.  Thank you for the high quality of their home learning, including the posters about Saint Teresa and beautiful baptism candles.

We had an inspiring drama session earlier in October.  The children paid great attention during the session and showed themselves to be wonderful actors.  Well done to you all!

The circus ringmaster told us that the clowns are very sad and our mission is to make them happy.
Maybe our funny faces will make the clowns laugh?

Our wonderful acting has made the clowns smile again.  HURRAH!

The Year 2 children have a great passion for art, so I look forward to seeing their artwork inspired by the theme of Bread of Life.  

Have a wonderful half term break with your family.

Y6 Autumn Term 1

What a great start to the year we have had! Below is just a few of the things we have been up to. 


Sport Day at St Michael’s

Chaplaincy Team

Harvest Food Bank

Head Boy and Girl/ Deputy Head Boy and Girl 


Y6 Assembly

Art competition

An exciting competition is taking place across the county.  The task is to:

Create a piece of artwork entitled ‘The Bread of Life’.

Encourage your child to think about what the blessed sacrament, the Eucharistic host, means to them and then create a piece of artwork reflecting their thoughts.  The artwork needs to be A4 in size and can be created using any medium, including paint, collage or printing.  Please label the back of the artwork with your child’s name and year group and return to your class teacher by 9th November.

More details can be found here: