Year 6 Isle of Wight Wednesday

Tuesday Evening

Just as some meals look really delicious but taste bland, the sea looked l as calm and inviting as a tropical lagoon but was freezing!  However, our children are made of stern stuff and were determined to not let the opportunity pass.

Wednesday Morning

Not a boy was awake at 7am when they received the early morning call and there was a similar story with the girls. Breakfast soon put things right and we headed off for Black Gang Chine.

When we arrived, some of the children spied the silhouette of the Cliffhanger (roller coaster) and felt that the  occasion was ripe for some bravado:  ( (loud voices) “Is that it?”   and :“I’ve been on much more scary rides on my (all-inclusive) holiday last year”  – the boys in the party  had suddenly developed a  swaggering gait. However, the children were soon to learn  that talk is cheap and once on board: the squealing began;  their voices went from baritone to falsetto;the swagger replaced with a wobble. It was a similar story at the water slide- “Plughole”.

There was much for the children to do and it was great seeing them enjoy the simpler pleasures of mazes, adventure parks and slides – some of us even forsook extra time in the gift shop for a visit to fairyland.

We’ve worn them out again but, just in case there are any children out there planning to keep the adults and others awake tonight, its off to the beach again after supper.