On Thursday, Reception and Year 1 came together to share books. Both classrooms were transformed into reading dens for the children, in pairs, to take it in turns to read a book aloud.
Hopefully we can make this a more frequent event as the children loved it!! It was definitely reading for pleasure!
Last May, working with ‘Recycled Clothing Banks’, we recieved a new addition to the playground: our clothing recycling bin and it have been wildly successful. We are passionate about promoting recycling at St Adrians and we encourage you to keep donating clothes, towels, sheets, blankets, curtains or even shoes!
Thank you for the vast about of bear themed goodies you sent in for the picnic. It seemed the children’s had lot’s of fun with their bears, reading to them in the ‘bear caves’, making a waving bear, sorting old and new toys and playing with old toys.
On Wednesday, the class had a Be Brave, well-being drama workshop. This was to support the children’s resilience and attitude to tackle challenges.
Thank you again for your support this half term. I look forward to the next half of Spring Term where we shall be learning about Plants, Islands and Our Country.
I hope you have a relaxing week and I look forward to what the next half term brings
I hope all the children have recovered from our walk on Thursday to St Alban’s Museum. They all did very well going up Holywell Hill and were sensible throughout the trip.
During the trip we were taken back to when Ryder’s toy shop was in St Alban’s. The children were able to play with a large variety of toys from different periods. They discovered the change in materials and how some have developed to the toys which they still us today.
We had time to explore the museum before having lunch and the walk back to school. The children didn’t like the look of the cells and how empty they were!!
Thank you to the parents who were able to help during the day.
Wow, we’ve made it to the end of a fantastic term. The children have settled in very well into year 1 so well and have made myself, Mr King and Mrs Ruffell very proud.
Thank you, for you all support with homework, reading, phonics and everything else that has happened this term; it is really appreciated.
I have set a topic based homework, but there is no rush to complete this as it is for our next History topic, Toys.
The children have worked so hard and deserve a well relaxed break, enjoying the festive spirit and taking time to show love and kindness to their families. I hope you all have a joyful break.
Of course, if you do have a spare few minutes please practise, phonic sounds, segmenting and blending, reading and writing for a purpose.
A massive thank you for all your kind words and gifts. I am overwhelmed. I hope the children have all enjoyed year 1 so far. I am really excited to what the new year holds.
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
Well done, you have made it to the end of a fantastic term in Year 3. It has been a pleasure to see how you’ve all really settled into KS2!
Thank-you, parents, for your support with homework, trips, swimming, reading/timetables and everything else this term; it has been really appreciated. An additional thank-you for the lovely KK gifts that have been brought in- it was great fun guessing and opening the gifts!
Over the Christmas holidays, Ms McCarthy and myself are not setting any written homework as we would love for you to spend this time having a well deserved break with your family and friends. You’ve earned it!
Of course, as always, if you have some time there is always: 1. Times tables practice 2. Number bonds practice 3. Years 3 and 4 Spelling list practice
Finally, I would like thank you so much for your incredibly kind words and gifts. And Mrs Robins would like to add her thanks as well! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and see you in the New Year!