Year 1 Home Learning

I are going to greatly miss seeing and teaching your children face-to-face during the duration of the school being closed. Please know that your children are still at the forefront of my mind. Mr King and I will do everything that we can to support them and you during this time.

I have sent the children home with a Home Learning book where they can record their learning. Enclosed inside was information regarding logging on to various platforms; MyMaths, Google Classroom and J2E. I also sent the children home with a planted sunflower and diary for them to start recording the life of their sunflower as they observe it grow.

Joe Wicks will also be streaming a PE lesson every morning at 9am onto his youtube channel.

I shall be posting home learning in the ‘Home Learning’ section of the blog at 9am during the week. Please complete this depending on your families circumstance.

We are in this together and I aim to provide engaging and creative opportunities for learning during this time.

I appreciate your support and kind words and look forward to returning to normality soon. The class have made me so proud this year, blossoming into wonderful, thoughtful and kind individuals. My thoughts are with you all.

Hoping you and your families are well.

Miss Perry

Useful websites – phonics – phonics (website is free, paid app) – reading – reading

Go Noodle (Youtube) – ‘brainercise’

Cosmic Kids (Youtube and free app) – ‘yoga’ – interactive games

Learning in Year 1 this week

Week beginning Monday, 16th March 2020

Below is a summary of the learning taking place in Year 1 this week.

English: This week, brings us to the end of our sequence based around the text Katie Morag and the Two Grandmothers. The children have planned their own ending which is supporting them to write their own ending for the book, before having the published ending revealed to them. They shall then peer-edit their work to check for correct punctuation, spelling and look at re-writing a sentence to improve it.

Math’s: We are currently discovering Addition and Subtraction Word Problems. The children are encouraged to recognise what the word problem is asking them, to solve the problem and to use resources to support their working out.

Science: This week on our current topic on Plants, we shall be looking at the parts of a plant. They shall be dissecting a tulip to label the individual parts correctly. An on-going activity within the classroom, is also to record observations about their sunflower which has been growing for 3 weeks now. We also check in on our wide range of vegetables that we have growing around the room.

D&T: The children shall be carrying on creating their Islands that they have designed using junk modelling. We have looked slightly into ratio and discussed which features should be bigger/smaller than others.

Geography: Based around our current topic on The UK, this week we shall be developing our understanding of where The UK is in relation to other countries. We are going to travel up in a hot air balloon (power of the imagination) flying over the school, landmarks and human/physical features to create journey lines, using where we travel on a map.

Computing: Continuing developing the children into TV Chefs, we shall be developing our recording skills using an ipad to film giving instructions for a recipe.

RE: This week, we have looked at the beginning of Lent and discussed if any children have a Lenten promise. The children then wrote a Lenten promise which was added to our Tree ‘Remember Jesus and help me to change and grow‘. We shall also be furthering our understanding that Lent is an opportunity to change.

Phonics: Majority of children in their Phonics groups have been learning and continuing to progress their understanding of the slit digraphs.

Celebrating World Book Day

On Thursday, Reception and Year 1 came together to share books. Both classrooms were transformed into reading dens for the children, in pairs, to take it in turns to read a book aloud.

Hopefully we can make this a more frequent event as the children loved it!! It was definitely reading for pleasure!

Our ‘Clothing and Shoes’ recyclying bin

Last May, working with ‘Recycled Clothing Banks’, we recieved a new addition to the playground: our clothing recycling bin and it have been wildly successful.
We are passionate about promoting recycling at St Adrians and we encourage you to keep donating clothes, towels, sheets, blankets, curtains or even shoes!

Welcome to St Adrian’s Eco-Warriors!

This is where you will find everything our Eco Committee have been working on.

Recently, we have gained our Bronze Eco-Schools Award and now we are working towards gaining our Silver Award.

Teddy Bear’s Picnic

Thank you for the vast about of bear themed goodies you sent in for the picnic.
It seemed the children’s had lot’s of fun with their bears, reading to them in the ‘bear caves’, making a waving bear, sorting old and new toys and playing with old toys.

On Wednesday, the class had a Be Brave, well-being drama workshop. This was to support the children’s resilience and attitude to tackle challenges.

Thank you again for your support this half term. I look forward to the next half of Spring Term where we shall be learning about Plants, Islands and Our Country.

I hope you have a relaxing week and I look forward to what the next half term brings

Miss Perry

Hot air balloon

Year 1 were fascinated by the hot air balloon travelling over the school on Wednesday!

A little wave for the travellers passing by.