What an exciting start to Year 1 we have had. It is wonderful to have the whole class back together with such enthusiasm for what the year brings. The class have settled in very well and it’s lovely how positive they enter the classroom with readiness to learn. With the developing outdoor area, we are making the most of the weather taking learning outside for some lessons.
Over the summer, I transformed the classroom to support Continuous Provision to enhance child initiated learning. I believe this has helped with the transition from Reception to Year 1. The children will have ‘challenges’ to complete throughout the week in the different ‘zones’ of learning. The amount of challenges will build throughout the year. For the Curriculum Overview, you shall find a link on the right hand side of the class blog. The journey to Continuous Provision is very exciting and allows the children to repeatedly secure their understanding of learning throughout the week.
Year 1 is a big Phonics year. Entering Year 1, children are ‘expected’ to be secure in all Phase 3 sounds, ready for learning alternative sounds in Phase 5. Phase 4 is a very small phase where no new sounds are introduced, but supports children to read quicker. Please continue to read with your child and encourage them to recognise Phase 3 sounds within words.
If there is anything you would like to discuss, I am happy to speak at the end of the school day (from a distance). 😀
Big smile,
Miss Perry