wc 4th December in Year 4

Year 4 is making good progress with learning the 6 times tables and have been exploring the links between the 3 and the 6 times tables. They have used resources and counting the multiples, backwards and forwards, to help understand and learn the facts.

This week they verbally built sentences based on “The Snowman” and said what they liked about their partners’ writing. By responding positively to other people’s ideas they are giving others feedback on what works well as well as reading ideas which they may want to magpie.

Singing of the songs is coming on, but everyone really needs to commit the lyrics to heart so they can sing the songs confidently and beautifully on Monday, when we’re all looking forward to seeing you at St Bart’s, starting at 6.30pm.

Thank you for all the hard work in providing cakes and selling them this afternoon. They looked really amazing! We will have to consider what we, collectively as a class, would like to spend the money on.