Reception – Advent


Hello children, parents and carers,
What a busy, busy week. We talked about Advent, practised on stage for the performance, role played the Nativity story and last but not least our brand new Christmas toy shop is now up and running.
Our playdough table turned into bumpy road with Mary and Joseph, wise men and shepherds. The children were singing the Nativity songs while playing and had a great time exploring what’s on the table:

As already mentioned the Christmas shop needed lots of work, from restocking to labelling and decorating. As you can imagine, the children were very helpful. They were busy thinking about how much each toy will cost, where on the shelf the toys should go and what to use to make play money. I think that they did a brilliant job 🙂

Outside the children had a great time exploring the ice and even prepared some rescue animals tubes for next week.

In Little Wandle this week we were learning how to read words with ‘s’ at the end: cat -s, hat -s, bag -s, etc. The children are getting more and more confident blending 4 sounds together. We also learnt 3 new tricky words:

Next week it’s assessment week and we will be busy checking for any gaps. Then we will be revisiting all phase 2 sounds and tricky words until Christmas.

Today we took part in a very special Dressing of the Christmas tree assembly. Well done to Charlie and Emily for being so sensible and helping Mrs Porter to decorate the tree. You did a smashing job 🙂
In class we thought about Advent and how to be more like Jesus during Advent. We wrote our Advent promises and also picked a Special Christmas friend. The chosen name is in your child’s reading record.

Dates to remember:
Parents reading morning: Friday 08.12.23 between 8:40am and 9:00 am
EYFS Christmas Performance: Wednesday 13.12.23 at 10:00 am
Christmas Jumper Day – Friday 15.12.23
Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – Monday 18.12.23 at 09:30 am

Have a lovely weekend.
Looking forward seeing all next week.
Mrs Solakova