Fun and Farewell from Year 4

At last some sun came out so year 4 could have some fun playing rounders and having an ice-cream afterwards. As usual, it’s been a busy end to the school year. All the work has gone home, the lockers are empty and year 4 is ready to move on and up to year 5! I have loved being your teacher this, year 4; and wish you all the happiness and success you all deserve. I look forward to hearing about your holidays and adventures when we are back in school in September. Stay safe over the holidays and have lots of fun!

Ukelele Finale

Year 4 performed really well at today’s assembly, showing the rest of the school the three songs they’ve over the last few weeks. From a standing start in September, they can now all play 5 chords and play together as a fantastic ukelele orchestra. I was really proud of them, as was Mrs Newman, the dedicated ukelele teacher who has taught them every week. As well as the notes, she’s helped them with maintaining the pulse and singing while playing an instrument, which are difficult skills especially when you are doing it with 25 other people.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the game on Sunday evening!

This week in year 4

The sun chose the right day to appear this week and all the children in year 4 competed brilliantly. I am always impressed by the way the children at St Adrians throw themselves into all sporting activities with gusto and confidence.

The children in year 4 have really peaked with their writing this week and are writing some stunning stories, based on “The Mermaid of Zennor”, when they retell the story from the point of view mermaid (or merrymaid, as they say in Cornwall). The story and text by Charles Causley are beautiful and inspirational and have really captured the children’s imagination. I look forward to what they are reading and love seeing the way they are changing the order of clauses in a sentence or using language they’ve read in their own books.

Another book we are enjoying is “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe”, when the children read different parts out loud to the class. They read with expression and good pace.

With two weeks left of year 4, the children will start bringing things home. Please could you send one (or two) very strong, roomy plastic bags, or the “everlasting” shopping bags on the last Monday of term – the 15th July – and we will send books home one day that week.

Please could you also dig out any library books, school reading book and, class reading books which could be anywhere in your house. We will be doing a check of which library books are out against which children and will need to ask for replacements for any which are missing. Next Friday, 12th July, will be our last visit to the library.

Thank you very much for digging these all out, so future children can benefit from them.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and look forward to hearing about the Gaelic football event next week.

Celebrating the learning in year 6

It was lovely to see so many parents and children on Wednesday after school, to enjoy the work done by your wonderful children, in a relaxed way. We shall starting sending things home now.

Thursday is sports day. Please send your child in with a T-shirt in their house colour and, of course, a full water bottle, school hat and wearing sun tan cream.

Sport in the sun!

The numbers in year 4 have been depleted this week, with District Sports and The “World Games” taking place. A massive well done to all the year four children who competed at Westminster Lodge, did brilliantly well in their heats and representing the school in good sporting style. Thank you to Mr Creaton and Miss Allen for taking them there. Miss Allen was quite hoarse this morning after all her cheering! I look forward to hearing all about it on Monday.

Let’s all hope the sun stays out this weekend so we can enjoy sometime outside at last!

Creating a little bit of Kew back in class

This week year 4 used their creative skills to design a pavilion based on what we saw at Kew Gardens. They had fantastic ideas and showed outstanding teamwork when working in pairs to build their pavilions. Joining “lolly sticks” together to make a design a reality is quite a challenge and the children rose to the challenge.

We have started reading a new, wonderful book called “The Mermaid of Zennor” and the children wrote some beautiful, original descriptions of the scene in the church with the mysterious lady sitting at the back.

Racing through the Maths topics now, the children are calculating with money. We all use cash very little these days. If you are out and about near shops this weekend, it would be useful to buy some things using cash (if the shop will let you!) Also, just looking carefully at how prices are set out on the shelves would be useful.

Sadly, the weather isn’t forecast to improve much but I hope the chilly weather doesn’t stop you all having a lovely weekend with your family, whatever you do.

Year 4’s Day out at Kew Gardens

We all had a fantastic day at Kew Gardens, learning about plants and exploring a fraction of the many beautiful and amazing things at this world-famous site. The children were enthusiastic, energetic and represented the school very well. Emma, the teacher, said how much she enjoyed their sense of fun and excitement. She led sessions where we learnt about plant explorers from the past and today and the equipment they need : can your child tell you why you need a trowel when you go looking for plants? The children practised describing plants, using knowledge from their time at primary school such as the names for parts of a plant. They also classified leaves using a key where they thought of the yes/no questions themselves. The children became acquainted with the resident geese, young and old, who appreciated some left-over breadstick and would have happily shared the rest of the children’s lunches, too. The weather was perfect and thank you for sending the children so well-prepared, with everything you were asked to provide. We were all amazed by The Hive, which will give us some insight into what a “pavilion” is in our D&T learning. The plants in the Temperate House and outside the Palm House provided opportunities for the children to practise their sketching skills which they have been learning with Mrs Bartley. The children will use what they did and learnt today in learning back in class.

A huge thank you, as ever, to the parent helpers. Wednesday is not an easy day to get time away from work and we really appreciate the effort made in coming and having to make up for the lost time in either work or jobs at home. Thank you also to Miss Jilly, from the office, who came with us – there aren’t any photos of her, unfortunately. Again, I am sorry for the high cost of the event but we did have a great day, and a full one as they journey there was completed in just under an hour.

W/c 13th May in Year 4

We have learnt more about Anglo-Saxon life this week, focusing on the justice system. Some children recommended a very severe punishment for a misdemeanour in school, so I think they understand the general principle! Our RE topic is “Building bridges” and the children showed good insight into the “bridges” which act as bonds between children and how these need to be strong for relationships to flourish. The children have really enjoyed the beautiful book called “Cinnamon”. They have been putting themselves in the position of the lead character and are writing a diary entry by her.

I have been impressed by the children’s understanding of decimal fractions this week. Some more children have “gone green” on TTRS and all are making progress in learning the TT facts. Please keep this up.

I hope you all have a lovely, relaxing weekend.

Sunshine for year 4

All our learning was school-based this week, with a visit to church halfway through. For a short week, the children have completed a lot of learning. In the last term of year 4, they are showing the maturity and stamina for learning and writing which are good to see.

The sunshine was welcomed by everyone, with playing on the field at playtime and learning cricket skills on the field for PE very much enjoyed.

I am convinced there will be many doctors, surgeons and dentists from this class in the future, going by the great interest the children have in acquiring knowledge about the body. They loved following the progress of food through the body and this week were fascinated in the functions and structure of teeth. There will also be some CTOs, I am sure, going from the way that the class is enjoying learning about computer networks and the internet. They are all doing very well understanding decimals. Please keep up practice and progress in times-table fact learning. A few more children have “gone green” now and we need to see more children doing this.

The week was finished with a trip to the library, always a highlight. The children are ready for their weekend with you and I hope you all have a great time together. I look forward to seeing them again on Monday.

Mary Assumed into Heaven

Year 4 drew careful, beautiful pictures of Mary for our lovely service this morning for the Crowning of Mary.

Amongst other learning this week, the children have been working very hard on their persuasive writing about plastic pollution, a topic they feel strongly about. They made a great start with cricket and have been very interested to understand more about how the Internet works – it is not the same as the World Wide Web is the key message!

I hope you all have a lovely, relaxing Bank Holiday weekend together with your families.