This week in year 4

As we’re well into this half-term, the children have really got to grips with learning in lots of different areas. They have really enjoyed planning and sketching their works of art for the art display after May half-term and learning more about Anglo-Saxon England. They have a passion for the detail involved in the digestive system so I think there are many budding doctors in the class! And also some journalists, judging by the informative articles about Howard Carter’s discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb which the children wrote. We are nearly there with correct direct speech punctuation. We attended a lovely Ascension Day service yesterday, where the children were impeccably behaved and sang beautifully. It was lovely to step out into what finally felt like spring, to worship at church. Sorry for no photos this week – the mini i-pad went to PGL.

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend and good luck with the various sports tournaments and competitions taking place.