Nursery – 26.05.2023

We have had such a busy week in Nursery – bouncing on a castle, whizzing down a giant slide, a lovely Pentecost Party and at long last the butterflies came out of their cocoons.

On Tuesday the first two butterflies emerged from their cocoons, the children were so excited and there was a lot of chatter about what had happened and on Wednesday we had two more appear. On Thursday morning we went round to the Prayer Garden to release the four that we had, we said a special prayer to keep them safe and then watched as they came out from the net. We left one cocoon in the net and this morning we came to school to find it had emerged! We went back round to the Prayer Garden to let him out.

Thank you for coming to our Pentecost party on Wednesday afternoon. The children made some jam sandwiches in the morning and in the afternoon we waited for our grown ups to arrive. Thank you again for all the food contributions.

Other photos from this week:

The children have spent a lot of time outside this and will continue to do so after half term. Please make sure they have got sun cream on before they come to school, children also need to have a hat.

Please scroll down for Sponsored Bounce photos.

Have a lovely half term and enjoy the sunshine, see you on Monday 5th June.

Miss Taylor