Dear parents,
I have your collected your child’s reading book and reading record and will return them tomorrow. Your child will have in their book bag their high frequency word bag and letters and sounds book. Please use these for tonight’s home reading activities.
Here are some ideas you may like to try:
High frequency word stamp

You will need:
Word bag and something to splat the words eg. wooden spoon or your child can just use their feet.
What to do:
Spread out the words from your child’s word bag on the floor.
Call out the words.
Ask your child has to stamp on the word, or hit the word with the wooden spoon.
Swap places with your child and ask your child to call out the words.

You will need:
Word bag and a timer.
What to do:
Explain to your child that the object of this game is to read as many words as possible before the timer signals ‘stop’. I suggest perhaps 1 or 2 minutes.
Repeat the game, the objective is for your child to beat their last score.
If you feel your child needs an extra challenge, ask your child to write as many words as they can before the timer signals ‘stop’.
I hope your child enjoys playing the games. I would love to see your child’s learning on Tapestry. The children always enjoy sharing their home learning with the class.
Mrs Palmer