We have been learning that books both fiction and nonfiction are so interesting. Books can transport us to other worlds, they can teach us new things and they can inspire us. Mr Sallis gave us some new books celebrating diversity called Little Leaders : Exceptional Men and Women Black History . These books tell us about some inspirational people who made a difference in the world.
This week the children helped me move and created a more welcoming reading area in the classroom which we have already begun to use.
Many of the children came into school dressed as book characters. Can you tell who they are?
The children also brought in their favourite stories and books and shared them with each other which reminded us about just how much sharing a story can be.
Over the next week, why not see if you can complete the reading stars game. In how many different ways and in different places can you be found reading?
In Year 6 we have begun exploring our new class book called:
We found out that women have not always been allowed to have equal rights, a voice or have a vote as to who should lead our country.
We began by exploring what it would be like if only boys were allowed to be on the school council and make laws. The majority of boys thought this could benefit them whilst the girls felt discriminated against and that it was unfair. Some boys also recognize that a person’s gender should not determine whether or not they should be allowed to contribute to the life of the school.
Writing with formal language can be difficult as it is not something we are used to doing. However, through the course of the week the Year 6 children planned and wrote formal letters to the Victorian Prime Minister William Gladstone trying to persuade him to allow there to be a law passed in parliament to allow all women to be able to vote and have legal rights.
Through using thesauruses to help find formal language and synonyms, through careful editing and improving the children wrote some very powerful letters.
The overall message of what we have learned is that discrimination against gender, race, religion or monetary status is something that should be challenged and never accepted as right.
Well-being has been the theme for the week. We spent time thinking and acknowledging the people who are in our support group- the people such as our friends, family and even pets who are there for us whenever we need it.
We then practised some mediation techniques to help us relax when we may feel a little stressed or overwhelmed. Calm breathing and listening to relaxing music can really help.
Finally, we spent time recognising our gifts and talents. We are all different- we help the world be more interesting in this way. We can use our gifts and talents to help others. We should celebrate our differences and not knock each other for them.
In addition to learning about our well-being, we had Internet Safety Day on Tuesday. We looked at possible scenarios which we may find ourselves in, where we may feel pressure to make the wrong choices online or react to others in a negative way. We created role-plays, wrote stories and even made board games to help advise others if they ever find themselves in this situation.
We have had such a busy half term. We all deserve a nice rest and some fun for the half term break.
I wish you all a lovely alarm-free week and I look forward to seeing you on 21st February!
Y6 have begun their art unit on Human- learning how different artists have portrayed the human form in a variety of art mediums.
This week, the children researched what the Renaissance period was and explored some of the Renaissance art which is famous today.
We looked at paintings such as the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci and the paintings Michaelangleo did on the Sistine Chapel such as the painting of The Creation of Adam.
We critiqued the colours, perspective and tones the artists used.
The artist the children focused on was the life and works of Michelangelo.
We learned how Michelangelo used different forms of art such as sculpture. We did some observational drawings of David, one of Michelangelo’s masterpieces.
This week we developed our observational skills a little more by learning observational and shading techniques to draw an eye. We are rather pleased with the results.
We came into school, ready and eager to make the most of the first school day of 2022. This is a big year for Year 6 and we are ready for the challenges which lay before us.
We began the day by looking at the arrival of the three wise men who arrived to see the baby Jesus. We learned how the Wise Men are significant as they are symbolic to the fact that Jesus came for everyone- wherever we may be from, whatever our culture or status- Jesus is for everyone.
We then learned about the symbolic meanings for the gifts the wise men brought:
Gold -for a King
Frankincense – for a high priest
Myrrh- to heal the wounds they would be inflicted upon him when he would die for us.
The children then wrote up the information about the religious symbolism in the Epiphany and began to design Epiphany cards
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the kind cards and gifts you gave me and other members of the Y6 staff team for Christmas. We very much appreciate your kindness and support.
I wish you all a very happy new year and a happy Epiphany!
How our networks of friendships and relationships enable human beings to live together. When a child’s power to reach out, trust and make friends is diminished, they may suffer the effects for a lifetime. Both children and adults have to discover their ability to reach out and repair what has been damaged.
If human beings are to live together in relationships, there is always a need for reconciliation.
We will learn:
Christians believe that, in Jesus Christ, the world has been reconciled to God. Through and in Christ, every human being is offered the power to reach out in forgiveness and peace, to receive and to offer reconciliation.
St. Paul in his letter to the Ephesians, wrote:
“But now in Christ Jesus, you that used to be so far apart from us have been brought very close, by the blood of Christ. For he is the peace between us, and has made the two into one and broken down the barrier which used to keep them apart, actually destroying in his own person the hostility caused by the rules and decrees of the Law.” Ephesians 2:14-15
“It is called the Sacrament of Reconciliation, because it imparts to the sinner the love of God who reconciles: ‘Be reconciled to God’. He who lives by God’s merciful love is ready to respond to the Lord’s call: ‘Go; first be reconciled to your brother’…
Indeed the Sacrament of Reconciliation with God brings about a true ‘spiritual resurrection’, restoration of the dignity and blessings of the life of the children of God, of which the most precious is friendship with God.” CCC1424, 1468
We will pray:
Our Home Learning Task:
Write a seven day diary for the kind gestures you did every day for a week, when you were specifically demonstrating yourself as a witness for Jesus.
During this topic we will cover this somewhat sensitive theme. The experience of ‘family’ in society today is varied, with many joys and sorrows. Whatever the experience, family still remains the first place for growth and development, the basic social unit. We will look at questions such as:
What does the word ‘family’ mean to you?
What people do you associate with ‘family’?
What joys and sorrows do you remember of family life?
For Christians the pattern and ideal of family life is found in the Scriptures. God is the loving parent of the human family and Jesus was born and lived in a human family. While offering ideals for family life, it is important to acknowledge and respect the real experience of some children which is not ideal.
The following scripture summarises perfectfully what we want to God to reveal to us:
“As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive. Above all clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body.” (Colossians 3: 12-15)
We will ask ourselves:
In your daily life, how can you be ‘clothed with compassion’ or ‘with love’?
In practical terms, how can these be expressed?
At the end of the topic, we aim for the children to respond to it by asking themselves and each other:
What positive message about the family of the school is put across in the classroom?
How does the school ensure that when it welcomes a child, it welcomes that child’s family?
In what ways can the partnership between home and school be developed?
I’m sure the children will tell you more about the topic as it progresses over the next four weeks. Do ask them what they have been learning- it’s always nice to include you too.
Alongside your daily home learning tasks I would encourge you to try and stay active!
You may also want to take this opportunity to become Master Chefs.
Imoves is available to access from home. No login is required and no password. sign up using the link:. http://join.theimovement.com/
Change for life
Change for Life website has activities for Early Years, KS1&KS2. It has fun food facts, recipes to make and activities for inside and outside for all the family. https://www.nhs.uk/change4life