Mrs Goldsmith has asked me to put these on the Blog so the children can get up to speed.
RE Home learning for the whole school

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales have designated 2020 as ‘The God Who Speaks’: A Year of the Word to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Verbum Domini – Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Exhortation on ‘The Word of the Lord’, and the 1600th anniversary of death of St Jerome, who translated the Bible into Latin. Cardinal Vincent Nichols has launched the Year of the Word across the diocese and further information can be found here:
As part of their RE home learning over the Christmas holiday, all children across the school are invited to think about the bible and the stories that are important to them. Maybe they have stories from the bible that they love to read and talk about. Share stories from the bible with your child and talk about what the stories mean to them. When your child is ready, think about what story they would like to create a poster for to advertise the story to their friends at school. Your child’s poster should include a clear title of the story or book from the bible and a beautiful image from the story. Feel free to let your child add a description of the story and what it means to them. We are looking forward to making a wonderful display of the posters and this will be a lovely way for us to start celebrating The Year of the Word in school. Please return posters to your class by Wednesday 15th January.
2020 will be a year of celebrating, living and sharing God’s word, through a range of events, activities and resources, available across the Diocese of Westminster. A lovely activity that is particularly pertinent to the time of year can be found here:
We look forward to seeing the posters that the children create to celebrate God’s Word.
Emma Hayes (RE Subject Leader)
Key stage two – Christmas carol service

The countdown to Christmas has begun and the children are all working hard to learn the words to the carols for our Christmas carol service.
Please encourage your child to practise – they will need to know all of the words by heart. The words can be downloaded using the link, below.
We hope that you will be able to join us on Wednesday, 18th December for this special celebration.
Year 5 Guitarists
Dear Parents,
Mrs Goldsmith has asked me to pass on the following message for year 5 guitarists:
Please remember to practise between lessons each week so that you can come to the next lesson best prepared to concentrate and learn and good progress can made.
Can parents please remember to sign the practice sheet or book when the practice has been completed.
Please remember to take the instrument home after the lesson (you will need this to practise).
Thank you
Mr Creaton
ECO WARRIORS: Could you get a Blue Peter badge?

The Eco team want to inform you of an opportunity where you can earn your very own Blue Peter Badge!
Blue Peter are giving out Green badges for Eco Warriors all across the country.
Green badges are awarded for sending in letters, pictures that are about the environment, conservation or nature.
You can apply on the link below. Remember to include a message at least 50 words long, explaining that you’re applying for the Green badge and why you deserve to be awarded one.
Also, on this link, there are some examples of brilliant Green badge posts, to inspire you to get yours!
So, why not try and apply for one today! When you get one- remember to tell your class Eco Reps so we can share the amazing news.
The Eco Team.
Welcome to Year 5
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope that your child has had a not ‘too long ‘ break from school . The class seem focused and enthusiastic and everyone seems to have settled in well.
The Angelus:
The Angelus is a beautiful prayer, based on the Annunciation, which people used to say every day at noon and at six. We have have started to say this prayer in class every day at noon. If you would like to find out more about this prayer (and perhaps, pray at home), here are some links:
In brief – our curriculum at the start of the year will be:
RE- Ourselves – there will be more on this in a separate post
PE is on Tuesday and Friday.
English – Journey ( a picture book as a writing and discussion stimulus by Aaron Becker)
Maths – Place Value
Humanities – Saxons and Maps and Settlements
Science – Earth in Space
Music – Living on a prayer !
Art – Objects and meaning using pointilism
Computing – On-line safety and programming ( We are Programmers module)
Homework- I do not intend to use a homework exercise book in order to minimise the amount of paper going to and from home. Most homework will be exercises on Google Classroom or using other web based applications.
Kind regards,
Mr Creaton
Space Chase: Summer Reading Challenge 2019

The Summer Reading Challenge 2019 theme is Space Chase, an out-of-this-world adventure inspired by the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing.
Children taking part in the Challenge will join our super space family, The Rockets, for a thrilling mission to track down books nabbed by mischievous aliens!
Space Chase will feature bespoke artwork from top children’s illustrator, Adam Stower, and will celebrate adventure, exploration, reading and fun!

Illustrations © Adam Stower 2019 for The Reading Agency
Taking part in the Summer Reading Challenge
The Summer Reading Challenge is aimed at children aged four to eleven and it is run in almost all libraries in the UK.
Visit your local library during the summer holidays to sign up – the sooner you go, the longer your child will have to read six books!
Staff will register your child for the Challenge and give them some fun materials to get them started.
Many libraries will also offer pre-school activities suitable for under-fours, including specially designed Summer Reading Challenge materials. Visit your local branch to find out more.
The Summer Reading Challenge is the UK’s biggest free reading for pleasure event for children. It is run by the national charity The Reading Agency in partnership with the UK public library network.
The aim of the Challenge is to encourage children to read any six books of their choice from their library during the summer holidays.
Children receive special rewards each time they finish a book and there’s a certificate for everyone who completes the Challenge.
Year 5 Home Learning 4 July
This week’s home learning is located in the Year 5 home learning drop down menu on the right hand side of this page.
Year 5 Home Learning Summer Pt2 week 3
Dear Parents and Carers,
The English homework this week will be reading comprehension on evacuees and a Grammar sheet on word play.
For maths, everyone has been set some work on ‘mymaths’ ( fractions – Mr Creaton and Decimals- Mr Sallis)
Please complete the homework by Wednesday.
Children have been given hard copies of the English homework.
Thank you for your support,
Mr Creaton
Year 5 Freedom and Responsibility
The themes of our next topic are inter-relating and reconciliation.
The Topic is called ” Freedom and Responsibility”.
The children we look at situations where responsibility has been given and how we are required to use our judgement and exercise our freedom sensibly.
In scripture , we will look at the Ten Commandments and discuss how rules give us the opportunity for choice and freedom.
How do the Ten Commandments contrast with the Beatitudes?
Finally, we will see how, when rules are broken, the need for forgiveness and reconciliation are paramount.
The Big Question for this topic is: How do rules bring freedom?
God our Father, you have given us freedom in our lives.
With this freedom we can bring sorrow or joy to ourselves and to others.
Help us always to use our freedom in a responsible way.
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Imagine you were asked to write a Class Charter of about five rules or guidelines.
Write and decorate your Class Charter .
Think about ( for discussion), why you chose these rules and guides and what actions should be taken if someone breaks the rules.