Dramatic Year 2

The children have had a great start to Year 2 and have been very excited about their new learning.  What has been especially rewarding is the enthusiasm with which pupils have brought in information from home about current learning.  Thank you for the high quality of their home learning, including the posters about Saint Teresa and beautiful baptism candles.

We had an inspiring drama session earlier in October.  The children paid great attention during the session and showed themselves to be wonderful actors.  Well done to you all!

The circus ringmaster told us that the clowns are very sad and our mission is to make them happy.
Maybe our funny faces will make the clowns laugh?

Our wonderful acting has made the clowns smile again.  HURRAH!

The Year 2 children have a great passion for art, so I look forward to seeing their artwork inspired by the theme of Bread of Life.  

Have a wonderful half term break with your family.

Art competition

An exciting competition is taking place across the county.  The task is to:

Create a piece of artwork entitled ‘The Bread of Life’.

Encourage your child to think about what the blessed sacrament, the Eucharistic host, means to them and then create a piece of artwork reflecting their thoughts.  The artwork needs to be A4 in size and can be created using any medium, including paint, collage or printing.  Please label the back of the artwork with your child’s name and year group and return to your class teacher by 9th November.

More details can be found here:   

Year 2 Making Tropical Fruits

We had fun on Wednesday making a shape for our tropical fruit as part of our St Lucia topic in geography. It involved getting very messy as we designed a papier mache shape of our fruit. We followed that on Thursday with a science experiment where we are testing the conditions needed for a seed to germinate. Good luck to everyone at Sports Day on Monday, don’t forget to come in your PE kit.

Well done Year 2

Well done to Year 2 for a great assembly. The children worked very hard in preparation and weren’t phased by having to split the rehearsals over 2 weeks. I was extremely proud of them and we hope all the parents, grandparents and carers who were able to come enjoyed it.

Year 2 – Well done!

Well done to Year 2 for completing their SATs with a minimum of fuss and, dare we say, enthusiasm!  All the children have worked very hard and deserve their break. With this in mind we have not set any homework for the holidays but would still encourage the children to keep reading and if you want to practise maths then use the Sumdog website.

We would also like to say thank you to the PTA for delivering us ice lollies today 🙂

It hasn’t all been tests however, as this photo gallery demonstrates!

Have a great half-term 🙂

Y2 wish you a Happy Easter :-)

Have a lovely, relaxing holiday. Thanks again to Mrs McAndrew, Mr Pearman, Mrs Alexander,  Mrs Vazquez, Mrs Brennan and Mrs Cox for helping us make such amazing habitats to finish off our science topic.

Y2 Reading books

Please note Wednesday will be the last day for changing reading  books for the holiday. The children can have up to 5 books but must bring in any current books with a signed reading record.