Year One designers

This week, the children were challenged to create a new boot for Mr Magnolia, who appeared to have mislaid his other one.  The children loved this activity and worked well in teams to brainstorm their ideas, research images on the internet, plan their designs and try out different drawing styles.

They are very proud of their final boots and their next task is to write an advert that will persuade Mr Magnolia to order a pair of their boots!

Year 5 summer week 3

Dear parents,

We have started a new topic in English which will focus on letter writing and diary writing.  The context for this will be looking from the viewpoint of a World War 2 evacuee.  We have used ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’  and ‘Carrie’s War’  as source material.  This links in with their current history topic.

This week in science we have been looking at air resistance and , in particular,  how it may affect falling parachutes.

Thank you to all the parents that attended the SPEC meeting.  Here is the most recent version  of the powerpoint.



Have a great Bank holiday,

Mr Creaton

Y6 Mrs May Maths revision

My maths class have been given 7 revision tasks to complete over the next 7 days. They should clearly show their working out in their homework book and self mark. The activities are on My Maths and the booster packs.

Year 1 plant potatoes

The children have been extremely enthusiastic during their Tuesday swimming lessons and have been very sensible while changing.  Well done, Year 1!

Year 1 swimming stars!

This week, the children have planted potatoes.  They looked very carefully at the chitted potatoes to see the strong shoots showing.  Over the next two months, the children will care for the plants and watch them grow.  Hopefully, we will have some potatoes to harvest in July.


Year 1 enjoy hot cross buns

This month, the children have done a wonderful job learning the Lord’s prayer. It was very moving for them to finish the Holy Thursday liturgy by saying this prayer when they returned to the classroom after ‘Jesus, Remember me’ had finished in the hall.

We cut our hot cross buns in half and then into four quarters.

Later in the morning, the children shared hot cross buns together, focussing on the symbolism of the cross.  Thank you very much for your kind donations of buns, which were greatly enjoyed by the children.

Have a very happy and holy Easter together and enjoy your Easter celebrations that the children are looking forward to on Easter Sunday!