Year 5 Spring Week 8
Dear Parents,
This week has been dominated by the exceptionally cold weather and I have had to work your children extra hard to keep them warm.
I have been very impressed by the no-nonsense approach the class have taken to the weather. My football club braved all the elements on Monday and on Thursday, we had to walk to Mandeville School (for the Alban Arena singing practice) and the children’s behaviour both en route and whilst singing at Mandeville was fantastic.
Have a great weekend,
Mr Creaton
Year 1 Cake Sale 2nd March
This week, the children have been exploring patterns and considering ways in which they can change the shape, size or quantity as part of a pattern. They have designed some wonderful new vests for Little Robin Red Vest and are very proud of these.
2nd March is the Year 1 Cake Sale. The children will be designing posters for the sale and then displaying them all around the school. If you have time, enjoy baking cakes with your child; alternatively, shop bought cakes are very popular too. Thank you very much for your support!
On 16th March, we will be holding a History Day – your child is invited to come into school dressed as a character from history.
Year 2’s week
Refreshed from the break, we have been working hard on report writing in English and exploring world habitats in science. In maths we have been investigation the relationship between multiplication and division. February has also proved very popular for birthdays!
Year 5 spring week 6
Dear parents and carers,
We have had another busy week. The highlight of this was our class mass which Fr Tim kindly celebrated for us. We were delighted that Mr Petch (our class link governor) and Mr Bedford were also able to join us. The children’s behaviour and reverence was impeccable and the musicians in the class were able to use their talents to accompany the singing.
We have been doing further science experiments – this week we were able to obtain a ‘pure’ sample of salt from sandy rock-salt.
Have a good weekend,
Mr Creaton
Protected: Year 5 Home learning spring week 6
Protected: Y2 Home Learning
Protected: Year 5 homelearning.
Year 5 Alban Arena Lyrics
Dear Parents,
Please find attached a spare copy of the words for the songs for the Alban Arena Concert. The children have already been given a hard copy of the words.
Hope this helps,
Mr Creaton
Year 1 get programming
This week, the children have been learning how to give each other directions, before moving on to programming a toy to move left, right, forwards and backwards as well as making half and quarter turns. One child taught her friends that two quarter turns make a half turn!
This work on position and fractions continued on Friday, when the children made a honey sandwich for their teddy and divided it into halves and quarters.
Thank you very much for the donations that came in as part of our Teddy Bear’s Picnic that celebrated the end of our topic on Toys. The children have certainly learned a great deal about old toys and have enjoyed talking about the family toys that they brought in.