Year 2 liturgy

On Wednesday, the children celebrated a liturgy with Father Francis. The focus of the liturgy was thanksgiving and the children enjoyed planning prayers, readings and hymns that they would use within the liturgy. It was a joyous occasion and the children prayed thoughtfully and sang with gusto!

How to access our Google Classroom

In the event of school closure, I am hoping to provide activities via the Google classroom. It might be worth checking that your child is able to access this in case we are instructed by the Government to close in the coming weeks. Further details can be found below.

To access Google classroom, children will need to sign in using their school Google account.

Visit and click ‘Sign in’ in the top-right of the webpage.

If you, or someone using the same device, already has a Google account, you will need to add your child’s school account and switch between them before accessing the Classroom.  

How to add Google accounts

  1. Open the Chrome web browser.
  2. On the top right, select your profile image or initial.
  3. On the menu, choose Add account.
  4. Follow the instructions to add your child’s Google account.
  5. Children’s school Google usernames all end with the domain,
  6. Your child should know the first part of their username and the password.
    For security, I cannot add that information here. Further details can be found in your child’s reading log.

Once you have, set up your child’s Google account. You may need to switch between accounts for them to access the Google Classroom.

How to switch between Google accounts

  1. In the top right, click your profile photo or email address.
  2. Click the account you want to use.
  3. A new window will open for this account.

Accessing the Google Classroom


How to access our Google Classroom

To access Google classroom, children will need to sign in using their school Google account.

Visit and click ‘Sign in’ in the top-right of the webpage.

If you, or someone using the same device, already has a Google account, you will need to add your child’s school account and switch between them before accessing the Classroom.  

How to add Google accounts

  1. Open the Chrome web browser.
  2. On the top right, select your profile image or initial.
  3. On the menu, choose Add account.
  4. Follow the instructions to add your child’s Google account.
  5. Children’s school Google usernames all end with the domain,
  6. Your child should know the first part of their username and the password.
    For security, I cannot add that information here. It might be worth phoning a friend if in doubt!

Once you have, set up your child’s Google account. You may need to switch between accounts for them to access the Google Classroom.

How to switch between Google accounts

  1. In the top right, click your profile photo or email address.
  2. Click the account you want to use.
  3. A new window will open for this account.

Accessing the Google Classroom

Visit or follow the link in the side bar.

Celebrating World Book Day

On Thursday, Reception and Year 1 came together to share books. Both classrooms were transformed into reading dens for the children, in pairs, to take it in turns to read a book aloud.

Hopefully we can make this a more frequent event as the children loved it!! It was definitely reading for pleasure!

Eco Team 2023-2024

The children in their classes used democracy and voted to choose who would represent them in the Eco Team and we are all very proud to have been chosen as our class Eco representatives. We are passionate about making a difference to our school and homes by making sure that we do all we can to spread good ideas about how to look after our beautiful planet.

Our first mission was to plant some trees to help the wildlife around the school grounds. We chose a great site for the trees, where they wouldn’t get mown down by the lawn mower and ordered a selection of trees that would be great for birds, butterflies and bees. When the saplings arrived, we got all the resources ready (compost, trowels, gloves, wheelbarrows etc!) and taught each class how to plant the trees Over the next few years, we will care for them to ensure that they grow as big and strong as the trees already in our school grounds. Here is one class in action!

Here are our plans for 2024:

  • Plant new trees and care for them
  • Use both sides of your piece of paper: Set up a poster campaign to remind children not to waste paper as it means that more trees have to be chopped down
  • Look after the wildlife in our school grounds by putting up bird feeders, butterfly ponds and renewing our bug hotels.
  • Keep the playground tidy by doing litter picks around the school grounds and encouraging everyone to use the bins.
  • Reduce the use of plastic around the school by encouraging children to use re-usable plastic pots for their daily snack instead of a new plastic bag every day.
  • Keep our air cleaner and use less petrol by walking to school more. We will be telling our friends about the Walk to School week in May and then try to persuade them to walk to school at least once a week, even if is just by parking a little bit further away from school and then walking from there!
  • Even more ideas to follow …

Our ‘Clothing and Shoes’ recyclying bin

Last May, working with ‘Recycled Clothing Banks’, we recieved a new addition to the playground: our clothing recycling bin and it have been wildly successful.
We are passionate about promoting recycling at St Adrians and we encourage you to keep donating clothes, towels, sheets, blankets, curtains or even shoes!

Welcome to St Adrian’s Eco-Warriors!

This is where you will find everything our Eco Committee have been working on.

Recently, we have gained our Bronze Eco-Schools Award and now we are working towards gaining our Silver Award.

Wellbeing in Year Two

We have all had a lovely end to the half term.  It was wonderful to meet with all the parents at the consultations and celebrate the enthusiasm the children have for their learning.  

We ended the week by thinking very carefully about our own wellbeing.  We kept ourselves active by running the golden mile before school, during the morning, or both! 

The rest of the morning was spent in the Key Stage One playground, where we planted strawberry plants and peas in the new raised beds.  We have also planted some seeds in the classroom, so we are hoping that some of them will have started to germinate over the holiday.  Fingers crossed!  We talked about how gardening is a great pathway to wellbeing as it encourages us to take notice of the wonderful world that is all around.