Nursery – 15.11.2024

On Tuesday we wore our odd socks to support Anti Bullying Week.

In RE this week we took part in Baptism role play. We talked about why children (and adults) are Baptised and what happens at a Baptism. The children had a go at Baptising a baby. If you would still like to share Baptism items such as photos, special outfits, gowns etc we will continue to share as we move onto Prayer Week next week.

This week across the school was Hinduism week. We learnt about Diwali – The Festival Lights and how this is celebrated. Nursery created their own Diya Lamps.

Other photos this week:

Important Dates

Friday 29th November – Dressing of the Tree – Advent Assembly 09.00am – Parents Welcome

Wednesday 11th December – EYFS Nativity Performance 10:00am

Monday 16th December – EYFS Grandparents Christmas Carols and Tea – 09:30am

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Taylor

Nursery – 08.11.2024

This week we thought about a special day that is coming up – Remembrance Day. We talked about why we wear poppies at this time of the year as we remember the soldiers who fought in the war.

The children had a go at creating their own poppy which are now on display in the foyer.

In RE this week we thought about welcoming a baby in to a family and the joy and happiness a new baby brings to a family. We role played welcoming a baby in to the world.

Other photos this week


As the weather starts to get colder, all children need a winter coat as well as hat/gloves/scarf which all need to be named.

Library books need to be returned each Tuesday so the children can borrow a new one.

You can now apply for a reception place at St Adrians. You will also need to fill out a supplementary form.

Important Dates

Tuesday 12th November – Wear odd socks

Thursday 14th November – Individual and sibling photos

Friday 15th November – Children In Need – Wear spotty clothes – £1 donation

Wednesday 11th December – EYFS Nativity Performance 10:00AM.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 25.10.24

In RE this week we moved onto our new topic Baptism. We discussed how the children have been welcomed into the St Adrian’s community and the children were excited to talk about the school badge on their jumpers. We made welcome cards and a welcome poster to put up in nursery

After half term we will continue our work on Baptism, it would be lovely to see photos or any other special items from the Nursery children’s own Baptism. This can be a candle, special card, photo, blanket or gown. They will be shared with the class and then safely returned home.

This week we started our Foundation for Phonics lessons, each week we will look at a different initial sound, our initial sound this week was ‘s‘ . In the box there was a snake, scissors, strawberry, sellotape, soup, a scorpion and many many more things. If you find something at home beginning with the ‘s’ sound let us know, upload what you find to Tapestry!

We went back out into the school grounds this week to collect leaves so we could make crowns for today’s assembly. The children have worked really hard for the past two weeks learning the words and actions to ‘Crunching through the leaves’. Well done Nursery for a fantastic performance this morning in front of the entire school, all the staff and lots of lots of grown ups! Thank you again for all the donations.

Other photos this week:

Half Term Activities

Please upload any half term activities to Tapestry so we can share in class.

Reception Applications

Applications open next Friday, 1st November, you can You will also need to complete a supplementary form.

Important Dates

Individual/Sibling photos – Thursday 14th November

Children in Need Day – Friday 15th November

EYFS Nativity Performance – Wednesday 11th December – 10:00AM

Have a lovely half term

MIss Taylor

Nursery – 18.10.24

This week we started our new book Owl Babies which some of the children already know. We talked about the characters, the setting and what happens in the book. The children are beginning to join in with the repeated refrain ‘I want my mummy’. We will continue to look at this book over the next few weeks.

We also watched a video version of the story:

Our small word tray now has the Owl Babies in so the children can act out the story with their friends.

In RE this week we looked at our family photos and told our friends who is in our family which the children enjoyed, the photos are now displayed in the quiet room for the children to look at and talk about.

On Wednesday morning we went out on an Autumn walk to see what we could find outside, the children had a clipboard and had to tick off what they could see. We saw pine cones, a pumpkin, berries, twigs, lots and lots of leaves but no squirrel. Keep a look out for one in your garden.

Other photos this week

Today we wore red to support ‘Show Racism the red card’ and made a red flag.


We are a nut free school and have children across the schools with allergies – please check lunch box items before sending them in to school.

Harvest Festival

Donations welcome, please send in by Friday 25th October.

Nursery will be going to the assembly next Friday at 9:00. We will be singing a song with reception.

Reception Applications

You will need to apply for a reception place at St.Adrians. Application opens Friday 1st November and closes on the 15th January. You will also need to complete a supplementary form. I have got some of these in Nursery – please ask if you would like one.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 11.10.24

This week in maths we looked at matching. Matching buttons, matching shoes and matching towers. On Wednesday morning we were given a welly boot and had to look in the playground for the one that matched!

Other photos this week

Family Photos

Thank you for sending in family photos, the children love looking at them. Next week in RE the children will be talking about who is in their family so please send a photo in if you haven’t done so already.

Library Books

The children were excited to take home a library book this week. Please read the book at least once a week. Books need to be returned every Tuesday in order for a new one to be taken out.

Important Dates

Harvest Assembly – Friday 25th October – Nursery will be singing a song.

Half Term – Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November.

Individual/Sibling photos – Thursday 14th November

Children in Need Day – Friday 15th November

EYFS Nativity Performance – Wednesday 11th December – 10:00AM.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 04.10.2024

We continued looking at colours in maths this week and the children took part in some activities such as sorting colours and a colour hunt around the classroom.

On Thursday afternoon we took part in our first yoga lesson. The children did very well copying the moves on the screen and following the story of Betsy the Banana!

Other photos this week


From next week the children will start bringing home a library book. Our Library day will be Tuesday. Each Tuesday the children will select a book to take home and share with their families. Please return the book each Tuesday so a new one can be taken out.

Important Dates

Thursday 10th October – Parent Consultations

Friday 18th October – For a £1 donation, children can come to school wearing red to support show racism the red card.

Friday 25th October – Harvest Assembly – Parents welcome to attend

Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November – Half Term

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 27.09.2024

The children are now beginning to settle into nursery routine, thank you for talking to your children about what they need to do in the morning when the arrive.

To help the children learn the names of their new friends, we played a game where we stood in the middle with our name cards and sang ‘name is in the den….’.

In maths this week we looked at different colours.

Other photos this week:

Important Dates

Saturday 28th September – PTA BBQ – 1 – 4pm.

Wednesday 2nd October – Parent Consultations

Thursday 10th October – Parent Consultations 4 – 7 pm in the hall

Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November – Half Term

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery 20.09.2024

Welcome to the first Nursery blog children, parents and carers. Each week you will be able to see what we have been up to in Nursery as well as important reminders and updates.

I have been really impressed at how the children have started in Nursery, separating from their parents, changing into their plimsolls and getting to know the morning routine of finding their animal group!

I have uploaded some photos to each tapestry account, I can only upload once parents/carers have activated so if you haven’t done so already please have a look. Please let me know if you haven’t been able to activate your account.

Here are pictures from the first few weeks….

On Thursday morning we had a fire drill. The children listened for the sound and lined up with the grown ups. We walked sensibly out into the big play playground and lined up with the rest of the school! Well Done Nursery! Mrs Porter said how fantastic they were and came to Nursery with her special stickers!


Children need a coat/jacket every day.

Children need a water bottle.

If children are having lunch, grapes need to be cut in half lengthways.

Book bags available from the office (£5.10).

Important Dates

Saturday 28th September – PTA BBQ – 1 – 4pm.

October half term – Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 19.07.2024

On Wednesday we had a lovely time at our picnic and I think the teddy bears had a great time too! It was really nice to be outside eating our lunch in the sunshine.

And just like that this is the last blog…..

I cannot believe the year has finished and the children will be starting in Reception in September, it feels like only yesterday I opened the door for the first time way back in Autumn term. The children have learnt so much in their nursery year and it has been lovely to see how they’ve grown and changed – this morning we had a look at some photos I took from when they first started.

They really have been superstars this year and worked so hard!

Thank you so much for the generous gifts Miss Rowson and I have received.

I hope you all have a lovely and relaxing summer holiday. The children are ready for a big rest ready for Reception which will start for them on Wednesday 4th September.

Miss Taylor

Nursery – 12.07.2024

On Thursday morning Nursery went next door to spend time with their new teacher in their new classroom! The children decorated a box which has a special message inside! The children said they had a great time playing in their new room and exploring the new resources.

Earlier in the week we had a go at drawing a minion! We watched and copied the drawing on the screen!

In RE this week we thought about how we could look after the world we live in. We talked about recycling, not leaving taps running and reusing plastic as much as we can. We went around the school on a litter pick and we found a lot of straw wrappers, paper, tissues, bottle tops, a magnifying glass, pens, pencils and lots of food wrappers. Well done Nursery.

On Wednesday we went to the library for the last time as Nursery. Next Wednesday the library books will be collected back in.

Important Dates

Wednesday 17th – Teddy Bears Picnic. Please bring in your favourite teddy to school. We will eat lunch out on the field if the weather is dry, if not we will have a classroom picnic with our teddies.

Friday 19th – Reading Morning (Slightly shorter due to Year 6 Leavers Assembly).

Friday 19th – Last day of term – school finishes 11:45/13:30.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Taylor