This week the children enjoyed having their grandparents and family members in to help them with some arts and crafts and to listen to the Christmas songs that they performed at their Nativity. Thank you so much for coming.

Miss Rowson and I would like to thank you all for the lovely cards, gifts and Christmas wishes we have received, we hope you have a lovely Christmas and a well earned break. The children have worked very hard this term and we are very proud of how far they have come since September.
Please could all bookbags have a keyring on them so children can identify them when getting ready for home time.
In January we will start going up to the library. The children will be taking their book bags so can you make sure that they are emptied each week so they are easier for the children to carry up. The children will not bring home a book on the first day back as I know they will want to spend time chatting and playing with their friends so we will start going the following week.
Recption Applications
The deadline for applying for a Reception place at St.Adrians is 15th January. You need to apply online and fill in a supplementary form and hand into the office.
Important Dates
Monday 6th January – School Closed – INSET Day
Tuesday 7th January – First day back – 08:45am
Friday 10th January – Reading Morning, 08:45 – 09:00 in Nursery classroom.
Monday 27th January – School Closed – INSET Day
Monday 17th- Friday 21st February – Half Term
Friday 4th April – Last Day of Spring Term – 1:30pm Finish
Wishing all Nursery families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

See you in 2025!
Miss Taylor