This week we have spent a lot of time rehearsing for our Christmas Nativity ‘Mary’s Knitting’, Nursery have now been on the stage and have sat very well while waiting for the songs to come on! We hope you can join us on Wednesday 11th at 10:00am to watch, the children are all very excited that they will see you there.
In maths this week we have been working on repeating patterns, we have been doing this every day.

In RE we talked about the beginning of Advent and what that means. We lit the first advent candle.

Photos from this week:

Important Dates
Wednesday 11th – EYFS Christmas Performance of ‘Mary’s Knitting’ – 10:00AM.
Friday 13th – Christmas Clothes Day – Children can come to school wearing Christmas jumpers, outfits, socks, hairbands etc
Monday 16th – Kris Kringle Presents due in
Monday 16th – Grandparents Tea and Carols – 09:30am. A parent or other family member may come if Grandparents are unable to make it.
Friday 19th – School finishes at 13:30.
Tuesday 7th January 2025 – First day of Spring term.
Monday 27th January – INSET Day – School closed.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Taylor