Matchbox Memories in Year 4

Thank you for returning the matchboxes containing objects for memories. Please could you return the rest on Monday, when we will use them for writing. The children’s imagination has really been sparked by “The Matchbox Diary” and they have completed some thoughtful writing inspired by it.

It is was great to discuss your children’s successes and achievements with you on Thursday and I look forward to doing the same with the rest of you on Tuesday.

We’ve come to the end of learning about perimeter and area and the children enjoyed working with shapes. Next week we’ll move onto Fractions. Please complete the MyMaths home learning for this as this will help get everyone off to a good start. Thank you.

Loving to read, reading for pleasure, choosing reading as an occupation, etc is important and a great habit to get into. I’ve discussed this with a number of parents during these consultations and there is evidence that, worryingly, this love of reading for pleasure is fading in children. As one of our guided reading carousel sessions, children read one of the books from the class library, for pleasure. (By contract, choice from the school library is completely free, so a child may choose a picture book, or a fact book in small print, or anything else, as they choose.) Hopefully these sessions will help to encourage this and also introduce the children to authors they will want to read more of. Here is the whole class enjoying reading today.

I hope that you all have a relaxing weekend in sunshine!