This week in year 4

The sun chose the right day to appear this week and all the children in year 4 competed brilliantly. I am always impressed by the way the children at St Adrians throw themselves into all sporting activities with gusto and confidence.

The children in year 4 have really peaked with their writing this week and are writing some stunning stories, based on “The Mermaid of Zennor”, when they retell the story from the point of view mermaid (or merrymaid, as they say in Cornwall). The story and text by Charles Causley are beautiful and inspirational and have really captured the children’s imagination. I look forward to what they are reading and love seeing the way they are changing the order of clauses in a sentence or using language they’ve read in their own books.

Another book we are enjoying is “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe”, when the children read different parts out loud to the class. They read with expression and good pace.

With two weeks left of year 4, the children will start bringing things home. Please could you send one (or two) very strong, roomy plastic bags, or the “everlasting” shopping bags on the last Monday of term – the 15th July – and we will send books home one day that week.

Please could you also dig out any library books, school reading book and, class reading books which could be anywhere in your house. We will be doing a check of which library books are out against which children and will need to ask for replacements for any which are missing. Next Friday, 12th July, will be our last visit to the library.

Thank you very much for digging these all out, so future children can benefit from them.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and look forward to hearing about the Gaelic football event next week.