Creating a little bit of Kew back in class

This week year 4 used their creative skills to design a pavilion based on what we saw at Kew Gardens. They had fantastic ideas and showed outstanding teamwork when working in pairs to build their pavilions. Joining “lolly sticks” together to make a design a reality is quite a challenge and the children rose to the challenge.

We have started reading a new, wonderful book called “The Mermaid of Zennor” and the children wrote some beautiful, original descriptions of the scene in the church with the mysterious lady sitting at the back.

Racing through the Maths topics now, the children are calculating with money. We all use cash very little these days. If you are out and about near shops this weekend, it would be useful to buy some things using cash (if the shop will let you!) Also, just looking carefully at how prices are set out on the shelves would be useful.

Sadly, the weather isn’t forecast to improve much but I hope the chilly weather doesn’t stop you all having a lovely weekend with your family, whatever you do.