Reception – Library visit!


Welcome back everyone,
I hope you enjoyed your half term week, spending quality time with family and friends. I loved hearing amazing stories about trips to London, pumpkin carving and family meals.
Well, our first day back was very exciting as we went to St Albans Library. We had a special animal hunt around the library, sang nursery rhymes, read a story and borrowed some books. We also had a special certificate and new library cards.

We also learnt how to scan library cards and which buttons to press so we can borrow a book!

I was absolutely impressed by how well the children behaved, putting hands up if they have a question, saying please and thank you, respecting other visitors by being quiet.

We also learnt that you can borrow 30 books in one go!!! What a treat! I hope that you will continue taking your children to the library as this is such a wonderful place for having a family day out, enjoying reading and storytelling!

In Little Wandle this week we began learning Autumn 2 graphemes and digraphs. In your child’s pink folder you will find Autumn 2 grapheme list.

We’ve learnt three new digraphs ss, ff and ll and a new grapheme ‘j’. We are also rapidly beginning to introduce new tricky words. Please help your children to practice the tricky words at home too.

In Maths we were representing, subitising and finding numbers 1, 2, 3. The children were involved in a different adult led and child initiated activities to help and deepen their understanding. We counted ladybirds outside, posted letters into 1, 2 and 3 post boxes and counted 1,2 and 3 on 5 frames.

The children really enjoyed sharing their wonderful Baptism items with the rest of us. It was wonderful seeing tiny dresses, special books and personalised candles. Thank you so much for supporting us!

Reading books
This Wednesday all children came home with a reading practice book. Please make sure you read with your child at least 3 times a week as this will really boost their confidence and fluency. All books must be returned by Tuesday the latest, as new books will go home on the following Wednesday.
Once again thank you for your continued support!

Dates to remember:
Individual and siblings photos: Monday 06.11.23
First reading morning: Friday 10.11.23

Have a lovely weekend!
Looking forward seeing you all next week!
Mrs Solakova