Singing and strumming in year 4

Today year 4 used the ukeleles for the first time. I’m looking forward to finding out how they enjoyed it on Monday. The class has a wonderfully sunny upbeat song to share with you next Friday and we’re looking forward to seeing lots of you at Harvest Festival. Thank you for all the Harvest contributions and please keep bringing them.

It was great to share how well the children are doing in year 4, at parent consultations; and I hope you all enjoyed looking at the books.

The children are making good progress with programming – currently using word algorithms to write letters, using different ways if possible – and work collaboratively very well, which is the best way to work with programming.

Those children who have been writing “500 words” stories are able to access it via the Google Suite and can work on them over the weekend, if they would like to.

I hope that you’re all enjoying the new way of doing Maths home learning. These activities match the learning at school exactly, so should really help embed understanding. Nearly everyone in the class was fascinated with Roman numerals and really enjoyed the Maths relating to this this week! There are some of these included in the home learning. I will also allocate some My Maths activities some weeks, to allow for variety.

I hope you all have a lovely relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, which will start the last week before half-term holiday.