Reception – When I grow up…

Hello children, parents and carers,
As part of our People who help us topic we’ve enjoyed an amazing workshop. Little City paid us a visit on Wednesday and the children had the opportunity to be hairdressers, police officers, shop assistants, vets, builders and so much more. We’ve had a fantastic time exploring the different areas (including me and Mrs Reid 🙂 ). Have a look yourself:

If you would like to support us even further, why don’t you come to school and talk about your profession. We would love to hear from you, so if interested please email the office.

In Little Wandle this week we’ve learned 4 new graphemes:

We also learned a new tricky word, which you will find in your child’s orange book:

Thank you all so much for all the hard work you are doing with the children at home – We saw some fantastic learning outside of school!

In Maths this week we talked about matching and sorting; we also created different sorting rules and played different games to embed that learning. Outside we were sorting each other, thinking about these rules:
These children have trousers, and these don’t have trousers.
These children have blond hair, and these dark hair.
These children are wearing jumpers and these are not wearing jumpers.

Inside we were sorting toys, matching lids and bottles, playing ‘What’s in my bag’ game and so much more:

In RE we had a moment of quiet reflection and talked about what we’ve learned so far. Well, I think the children had great ideas and responded really well showing me how well they have been listening in the last couple of weeks. Here are some of the quotes. Enjoy 🙂

When you are in someone’s arms, you are warm and your blood is moving.
When you are in God’s arms you feel like you want to light up a candle.
When you are in God’s arms you feel like in a cot with nice blanket and pillow.

We also wrote a special class prayer…

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
God loves you too,
You are precious to God,
He loves you more than anything,
You are in God’s hands,
Please God help us be good children,
Please God make us strong.

Impressive isn’t it 🙂 Maybe you can read the prayer with your children at home too!

Have a lovely weekend and looking forward seeing you all next week!
Mrs Solakova