Reception – Super learners!


Hello parents and children,
It is so lovely to see the children building confidence and becoming more and more independent looking for things in the classroom, tidying up, getting changed for PE (buttons still very tricky, but practice makes you perfect 🙂 and carrying lunch trays.

This week we’ve had so much fun playing outside. We jumped in muddy puddles, made obstacle courses and picked some sunflowers for our investigation table.

Little Wandle
Big thank you to those of you who came to the Phonics workshop. I hope you now have a better understanding of how we teach phonics here at St Adrian’s. Please do not hesitate to speak to me in case you have any questions.

This week the children learned 4 new phonemes:

Please spend some time with your child practicing writing them at home.

Expressive arts and design:
We went on a nature walk and collected lots of leaves, sticks, petals, small rocks and had a good chat about how the trees are changing, the weather getting cooler and days becoming shorter.

Then we used our discoveries to create self portraits. They are just amazing. Have a look yourself:

In RE we are talking about how God is looking after all of us. He says that we are precious to him:

You are precious to me.
I love you.
I know your name.
You are my child.

Thank you so much for sending your family photos to school. They are now part of a beautiful display and the children love looking at them.

Have a lovely weekend!
Looking forward seeing you all next week!
Mrs Solakova