Reception – Here we are!


Hello children, parents and carers,
Here is what we’ve been up to this week and also what we’ve been reading, acting and writing about in our English lessons for the last few weeks.
‘Here we are’ by Oliver Jeffers is a story that helped us to explore our planet from land to sky, to people and time. We talked a lot about where we are on the planet and then concentrated more on things we know better and understand better, like where is St Albans, our school, our playground and classroom. Please follow the link to hear the story we truly enjoyed:

We talked about how to look after the planet as that is all we have, how to look after ourselves and how to be nice to all the animals too. We started preparing our garden for the long winter months and built a bug hotel, planted spring flowers for the bees and placed bird feeders all around.

In Little Wandle this week we’ve learned four new phonemes! We are all very proud to say that we now know 12 graphemes… Well done Reception!

We also introduced a new vocabulary ‘tricky word’ and even learnt our very first tricky word which you will find in your child’s book bag. Please help your child to read all the words ‘by sight’ (reading by sight means being able to read a word without the need for ‘decoding’ or ‘segmenting’ and ‘blending’). New words will be added weekly working towards all words required for Reception.

In RE this week we talked about how precious each one of us is. We looked at the mirror saying something nice about ourselves, something we appreciate and cherish. The children had great ideas and I am impressed by how thoughtful they were.

God says:
You are precious to me.
I love you.
I know you.
I know your name.
I call you by your name.
You are my child.

Have a lovely weekend and looking forward seeing you all next week!
Mrs Solakova