Reception – Welcome back


Hello children and parents,
This week we’ve shared lots of exciting half term news, had a very entertaining drama workshop, picked up some radishes and admired an amazing art exhibition. Have a look yourself:

When we came back on a Monday morning we’ve noticed that some of the fruit and vegetables we planted in the Spring term are ready to be picked up. We had lots and lots of radishes and 8 strawberries 🙂
The children were very excited and they all soon disappeared. Let me tell you something… we did well looking them, because they were super delicious! Next on the list are cabbage and carrots.

The art exhibition was a total success! The children were impressed by how talented everyone is! They enjoyed looking for their own painting and finding the right number. Well done everyone!

We’ve had a lovely finish of the week by participating in a very exciting drama class. We joined Peter Pan and went on a very dangerous adventure. We’ve sat on an emotion chair and acted out different emotions. It was super fun:

Things to remember:
Friday 16th June – Fathers day assembly (there will be no reading morning)
Tuesday 27th June – Reception class assembly – 9:05am
Wednesday 28th June – Open evening – 4:00pm to 5:30pm

Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Solakova