Reception – World Book Day


A week full of books we’ve all had. With storytelling, bookmaking and dressing up.
We began the week by opening our new Doctor’s surgery. The children are now so confident writing, so we decided to make our own label. We were making sure all the patients are looked after and everyone is healthy.

A key focus in Maths this week was to consolidate the ‘stable order principle’ – rehearsing the order of the first 10 numbers and understanding that the position that each number holds in our number sequence does not change. While working with numbers to 10, the children developed their understanding of the ordinal aspect by consolidating their understanding that each number has a value of ‘1 more’ than the previous number.

In Little Wandle this week we’ve been revisiting the sounds already learned and continued blending longer words. Instead of adding new tricky words (as from now until the end of the spring term we will be revisiting the tricky words already taught) in your child’s orange folder I will be adding longer words like farmyard, carpark. We are learning how to chunk them. Please practise them home for building fluency.

We are beginning to read new book, ‘The tiny seed’ by Eric Carle. First we planted our own tiny seed and then we made books explaining how the seeds grow.

In RE we pretended that our classroom is Church and role played Mass. We had priest and readers. We said the special words for Mass and everyone took part. Have a look at yourself:

And finally what an amazing outfits!!! You all looked AMAZING!

Have an amazing week!
Looking forward seeing you all next week!
Mrs Solakova