This week, as part of the NSPCC Number Day, we had great fun exploring the multilink to create arrays using the number 12. We found twelve different multiplication and division facts for the number and then used what we had learned about 12 to help find out how many different groups we could share 30 into. Now that is great maths!
Once we’d had fun with the cubes, we logged onto the numbots website and solved lots of equations, so that we could earn gold coins and make our robots look better and better. We are getting really quick at solving addition and subtraction equations.
To end our wonderful number day, we had a maths quiz that gave us clues which helped us to crack the code. The mystery message was Speak out, Stay safe, something that we should all do. We held out our hand and talked about the five people we can all talk to when we have something that we need to say.