Reception – NSPCC Number day


Numbers, patterns, shapes … they are everywhere!!! All we have to do is look around… and they are there!
We had a memorable day with lots of exciting activities. We had fun wearing our special number outfits and taking part in all of the activities:
On the playdough table we were counting fruits to go on the trees and were shaping the numbers with playdough

The writing table was visited by our friends, the numberblocks. We were building ladders out of squares:

Outside we were feeding the penguins with yummy fish:

We also played a board game and had to fit the circles into the 10 frame placemat. And finally … smashing outfits reception. I am impressed!

Little Wandle
This week we’ve learned the final 2 digraphs/trigraphs taught in reception. We also learned three new tricky words: sure, pure and are. Please practise them with your child, for building fluency.

In RE we were listening to the story Mary and Joseph taking baby Jesus to the Temple. Have a look:

After seeing the story we acted out the main events. We dressed up as Mary, Joseph and Simeon and Anna. The children had to repeat key phrases from the story and to remember what comes first, second, etc.

Important Dates:
Friday reading mornings – 8:45am to 9:00 am.
06.02-10.02 – Children’s mental health week (we’ve planned amazing activities)
10.02 – Non uniform day – Dress to express
13.02-17.02 – Half term week

Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Solakova