Our first visit to the beautiful new library was very exciting. There was so much to look and talk about, I haven’t got many good photos of enjoying the fantastic, also brand-new books there and I will post more in future weeks. Thursday will be our regular library day so please return any read book then, to borrow a new one, so it’s swimming bag and library book on the same day!

Thank you for the warm outdoor PE kit. All the children were well-wrapped up for Gaelic Football outdoors today and then looked super-smart for the remembrance assembly, during which they behaved perfectly. Beforehand, we discussed what “sombre” meant and the remembrance was an opportunity for all families, from all different countries, to reflect on fellow country people lost in war.
This beautiful wreath was created by a year 4 pupil and looked stunning on the lectern.

The children are doing very well with their times-tables. We will cover the 11s and 12s next week, though the children already know that they have already covered all those facts. They are all sound in knowing the facts, generally, which is a good point to be at at this point of the year. It’s now a question of remembering the trickier ones, using all and any “aide-memoires” at our disposal ! Eg 5 6 7 8 is a useful way to remember that 56 = 7 x 8. We talked about the various ways to remember the 9TT facts. The goal on TTRS is 4 seconds or less and that is within everyone’s grasp! I’m going to post some sheets called “Times TAble Mastry”. This is just to inform you about the depth of knowledge on times tables the children need to have. Instant recall is part of the knowledge, but understanding the relationships between the calculations and how to reason with them is also important. These will be in the autumn learning resources topic.
Practical representation of TT facts helps with the mastery aspects.

Have a lovely, relaxing weekend.