It was lovely to see everyone, looking relaxed and enthusiastic on Monday. We’ve made a great start this week and have completed the formal subtraction method with subtracting 4 digit numbers involving renaming. The children are enjoying exploring a wonderful book called Varmints –

There is a film version of the book online if you would like to share it at home.
Sadly, our class reader about a hapless young hero called Odd has come to an end.

There are many other wonderful books by Neil Gaiman, for children. And we are looking forward to startin g “The Polar Bear Explorers’ Club” (by Alex Bell).
On Friday, the children sampled a session of Gaelic Football which they really enjoyed. There will five more sessions, provided free by Hertfordshire Gaelic Athletic Association. Apologies for the slightly muddy PE tops and jumpers! Please could you return cleaned tops by Monday. Thank you. If your child has studded boots, please send them in for Gaelic Football over the next few weeks. If it’s not possible to play on the field without studded boots then the children will practise the skills on another surface.

On Thursday the children will show their respects at the Remembrance Service and I hope to see some of you then. The children have come home with a blank stained glass window for them to use felt-tips to decorate in a theme of Remembrance Day, for display at school, if they would like to. In the meantime, have a happy relaxing weekend.