News from Year 1 – a busy week!

It’s been another busy week in Year 1! From internet safety in Computing to comparing dogs and humans in Science, we’ve covered it all it seems in Year 1 this week.

We started off the week with some e-safety in Computing. We discussed what information we should share, including personal information like our home address or other information such as our favourite colour. We then worked in groups to sort the information we should share and not share.

In Maths, we have been using part whole models to help us find all the ways to make a particular number (number bonds). We have enjoyed using the models and the counters to help us find these number bonds.

Thank you all for your generous Harvest donations. If you do have anymore donations, please can we have them in by early next week. We have been practising our Harvest song ready to perform in the Harvest assembly next week too.

Miss Battams 🙂