News from Year 1 – all things Art!

This week we have been focusing on Art. We have really enjoyed learning about natural sculptures, taking inspiration from renowned artist Andy Goldsworthy.

We started the week by looking at photographs of Goldsworthy’s word. We discussed what the sculptures were made out of and whether we liked it or not. Here are some pictures of us in action:

Taking inspiration from Goldworthy’s natural sculptures, we made miniature models using clay. We thought about the shapes Goldworthy’s used in his own work to help us create ours.

We then did some observational drawings of natural object we found around school. We used magnifying glasses to help us sketch the finer details of leaves, flowers and even some feathers that we found.

We look forward to creating our own group sculptures from natural materials next week.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Battams 🙂