Today Year 3 learnt and recorded their learning about St George, as Friday was very busy with the Science workshop and Earth Day. We decided that St George must be very significant because so many countries have him as a patron saint, due to his huge courage in refusing to renounce his Christian faith when in the Roman army. That was the “real” St George. We also learnt about the story of St George and the dragon and considered the theory that dragons are not real and, instead the George represents good and the dragon evil with, of course good winning.
The children taught each other all about the different aspects of the stories of St George. They were put into groups and each group learnt about the same part of the story – eg the “real ” St George, or which countries have St George as a patron saint. They then returned to their normal tables and shared what they had learnt with the rest of the table. They class are very good at sharing learning by talking with each other.